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aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 CrystalPreferredOrientation ()=default
void initialize () override
void initialize_one_particle_property (const Point< dim > &position, std::vector< double > &particle_properties) const override
void update_particle_property (const unsigned int data_position, const Vector< double > &solution, const std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim >> &gradients, typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator &particle) const override
UpdateTimeFlags need_update () const override
InitializationModeForLateParticles late_initialization_mode () const override
UpdateFlags get_needed_update_flags () const override
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, unsigned int > > get_property_information () const override
std::pair< std::vector< double >, std::vector< Tensor< 2, 3 > > > compute_derivatives (const unsigned int cpo_index, const ArrayView< double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i, const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3 > &strain_rate_3d, const Tensor< 2, 3 > &velocity_gradient_tensor, const Point< dim > &position, const double temperature, const double pressure, const Tensor< 1, dim > &velocity, const std::vector< double > &compositions, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > &strain_rate, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > &deviatoric_strain_rate, const double water_content) const
 Computes the volume fraction and grain orientation derivatives of all the grains of a mineral. More...
std::pair< std::vector< double >, std::vector< Tensor< 2, 3 > > > compute_derivatives_drex_2004 (const unsigned int cpo_index, const ArrayView< double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i, const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3 > &strain_rate_3d, const Tensor< 2, 3 > &velocity_gradient_tensor, const std::array< double, 4 > ref_resolved_shear_stress, const bool prevent_nondimensionalization=false) const
 Computes the CPO derivatives with the D-Rex 2004 algorithm. More...
void parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) override
unsigned int get_number_of_grains () const
unsigned int get_number_of_minerals () const
DeformationType determine_deformation_type (const DeformationTypeSelector deformation_type_selector, const Point< dim > &position, const double temperature, const double pressure, const Tensor< 1, dim > &velocity, const std::vector< double > &compositions, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > &strain_rate, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > &deviatoric_strain_rate, const double water_content) const
 Determines the deformation type from the deformation type selector. If the provided deformation_type_selector is a specific deformation type, the function will simply return the corresponding deformation type. However, if the deformation_type_selector is an algorithm to determine the current deformation type (e.g. based on measured lab data or analytical models), then the function computes the appropriate deformation type at the given conditions and returns the compute deformation type. More...
DeformationType determine_deformation_type_karato_2008 (const double stress, const double water_content) const
 Computes the deformation type given the stress and water content according to the table in Karato 2008. More...
std::array< double, 4 > reference_resolved_shear_stress_from_deformation_type (DeformationType deformation_type, double max_value=1e60) const
 Computes the reference resolved shear stress (RRSS) based on the selected deformation type. More...
DeformationType get_deformation_type (const unsigned int cpo_data_position, const ArrayView< double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i) const
 Returns the value in the data array representing the deformation type. More...
void set_deformation_type (const unsigned int cpo_data_position, const ArrayView< double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i, const DeformationType deformation_type) const
 Sets the value in the data array representing the deformation type. More...
double get_volume_fraction_mineral (const unsigned int cpo_data_position, const ArrayView< double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i) const
 Returns the value in the data array representing the volume fraction of a mineral. More...
void set_volume_fraction_mineral (const unsigned int cpo_data_position, const ArrayView< double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i, const double volume_fraction_mineral) const
 Sets the value in the data array representing the volume fraction of a mineral. More...
double get_volume_fractions_grains (const unsigned int cpo_data_position, const ArrayView< const double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i, const unsigned int grain_i) const
 Returns the value in the data array representing the volume fraction of a grain. More...
void set_volume_fractions_grains (const unsigned int cpo_data_position, const ArrayView< double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i, const unsigned int grain_i, const double volume_fractions_grains) const
 Sets the value in the data array representing the volume fraction of a grain. More...
Tensor< 2, 3 > get_rotation_matrix_grains (const unsigned int cpo_data_position, const ArrayView< const double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i, const unsigned int grain_i) const
 Gets the rotation matrix for a grain in a mineral. More...
void set_rotation_matrix_grains (const unsigned int cpo_data_position, const ArrayView< double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i, const unsigned int grain_i, const Tensor< 2, 3 > &rotation_matrix) const
 Sets the rotation matrix for a grain in a mineral. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::Particle::Property::Interface< dim >
virtual void update_particle_properties (const unsigned int data_position, const std::vector< Vector< double >> &solution, const std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim >>> &gradients, typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator_range &particles) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::Particle::ParticleInterfaceBase
 ParticleInterfaceBase ()
void set_particle_world_index (unsigned int particle_world_index)
 Set which particle world the plugin belongs to. More...
unsigned int get_particle_world_index () const
 Gets which particle world the plugin belong to. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::Plugins::InterfaceBase
virtual ~InterfaceBase ()=default
virtual void update ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::SimulatorAccess< dim >
 SimulatorAccess ()
 SimulatorAccess (const Simulator< dim > &simulator_object)
virtual ~SimulatorAccess ()=default
virtual void initialize_simulator (const Simulator< dim > &simulator_object)
const Introspection< dim > & introspection () const
const Simulator< dim > & get_simulator () const
const Parameters< dim > & get_parameters () const
SimulatorSignals< dim > & get_signals () const
MPI_Comm get_mpi_communicator () const
TimerOutput & get_computing_timer () const
const ConditionalOStream & get_pcout () const
double get_time () const
double get_timestep () const
double get_old_timestep () const
unsigned int get_timestep_number () const
const TimeStepping::Manager< dim > & get_timestepping_manager () const
unsigned int get_nonlinear_iteration () const
const parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim > & get_triangulation () const
double get_volume () const
const Mapping< dim > & get_mapping () const
std::string get_output_directory () const
bool include_adiabatic_heating () const
bool include_latent_heat () const
bool include_melt_transport () const
int get_stokes_velocity_degree () const
double get_adiabatic_surface_temperature () const
double get_surface_pressure () const
bool convert_output_to_years () const
unsigned int get_pre_refinement_step () const
unsigned int n_compositional_fields () const
double get_end_time () const
void get_refinement_criteria (Vector< float > &estimated_error_per_cell) const
void get_artificial_viscosity (Vector< float > &viscosity_per_cell, const bool skip_interior_cells=false) const
void get_artificial_viscosity_composition (Vector< float > &viscosity_per_cell, const unsigned int compositional_variable) const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_current_linearization_point () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_old_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_old_old_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_reaction_vector () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_mesh_velocity () const
const DoFHandler< dim > & get_dof_handler () const
const FiniteElement< dim > & get_fe () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockSparseMatrixget_system_matrix () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockSparseMatrixget_system_preconditioner_matrix () const
const MaterialModel::Interface< dim > & get_material_model () const
const GravityModel::Interface< dim > & get_gravity_model () const
const InitialTopographyModel::Interface< dim > & get_initial_topography_model () const
const GeometryModel::Interface< dim > & get_geometry_model () const
const AdiabaticConditions::Interface< dim > & get_adiabatic_conditions () const
bool has_boundary_temperature () const
const BoundaryTemperature::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_temperature_manager () const
const BoundaryHeatFlux::Interface< dim > & get_boundary_heat_flux () const
bool has_boundary_composition () const
const BoundaryComposition::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_composition_manager () const
const BoundaryTraction::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_traction_manager () const
std::shared_ptr< const InitialTemperature::Manager< dim > > get_initial_temperature_manager_pointer () const
const InitialTemperature::Manager< dim > & get_initial_temperature_manager () const
std::shared_ptr< const InitialComposition::Manager< dim > > get_initial_composition_manager_pointer () const
const InitialComposition::Manager< dim > & get_initial_composition_manager () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_temperature_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_heat_flux_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_composition_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators () const
const BoundaryVelocity::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_velocity_manager () const
const HeatingModel::Manager< dim > & get_heating_model_manager () const
const MeshRefinement::Manager< dim > & get_mesh_refinement_manager () const
const MeltHandler< dim > & get_melt_handler () const
const VolumeOfFluidHandler< dim > & get_volume_of_fluid_handler () const
const NewtonHandler< dim > & get_newton_handler () const
const MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim > & get_mesh_deformation_handler () const
const LateralAveraging< dim > & get_lateral_averaging () const
const AffineConstraints< double > & get_current_constraints () const
bool simulator_is_past_initialization () const
double get_pressure_scaling () const
bool pressure_rhs_needs_compatibility_modification () const
bool model_has_prescribed_stokes_solution () const
TableHandler & get_statistics_object () const
const Postprocess::Manager< dim > & get_postprocess_manager () const
unsigned int n_particle_worlds () const
const Particle::World< dim > & get_particle_world (const unsigned int particle_world_index) const
Particle::World< dim > & get_particle_world (const unsigned int particle_world_index)
bool is_stokes_matrix_free ()
const StokesMatrixFreeHandler< dim > & get_stokes_matrix_free () const
RotationProperties< dim > compute_net_angular_momentum (const bool use_constant_density, const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector &solution, const bool limit_to_top_faces=false) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::Plugins::InterfaceBase
static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::SimulatorAccess< dim >
static void get_composition_values_at_q_point (const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &composition_values, const unsigned int q, std::vector< double > &composition_values_at_q_point)

Private Member Functions

void compute_random_rotation_matrix (Tensor< 2, 3 > &rotation_matrix) const
double advect_forward_euler (const unsigned int cpo_data_position, const ArrayView< double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i, const double dt, const std::pair< std::vector< double >, std::vector< Tensor< 2, 3 >>> &derivatives) const
 Updates the volume fractions and rotation matrices with a Forward Euler scheme. More...
double advect_backward_euler (const unsigned int cpo_data_position, const ArrayView< double > &data, const unsigned int mineral_i, const double dt, const std::pair< std::vector< double >, std::vector< Tensor< 2, 3 >>> &derivatives) const
 Updates the volume fractions and rotation matrices with a Backward Euler scheme. More...
std::pair< std::vector< double >, std::vector< Tensor< 2, 3 > > > compute_derivatives_spin_tensor (const Tensor< 2, 3 > &velocity_gradient_tensor) const

Private Attributes

boost::mt19937 random_number_generator
unsigned int random_number_seed
unsigned int n_grains
unsigned int n_minerals
unsigned int water_index
std::vector< DeformationTypeSelectordeformation_type_selector
std::vector< double > volume_fractions_minerals
AdvectionMethod advection_method
CPODerivativeAlgorithm cpo_derivative_algorithm
double property_advection_tolerance
unsigned int property_advection_max_iterations
D-Rex variables
double stress_exponent
double nucleation_efficiency
double exponent_p
double threshold_GBS
double mobility
CPOInitialGrainsModel initial_grains_model

Detailed Description

template<int dim>
class aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >

The plugin manages and computes the evolution of Lattice/Crystal Preferred Orientations (LPO/CPO) on particles. Each ASPECT particle represents many grains. Each grain is assigned a size and a orientation matrix. This allows tracking the LPO evolution with kinematic polycrystal CPO evolution models such as D-Rex (Kaminski and Ribe, 2001; ́Kaminski et al., 2004).

This plugin stores M minerals and for each mineral it stores N grains. The total amount of memory stored is 2 doubles per mineral plus 10 doubles per grain, resulting in a total memory of M * (2 + N * 10) . The layout of the data stored is the following (note that for this plugin the following dims are always 3):

  1. M minerals times 1.1 Mineral deformation type -> 1 double, at location => 0 + mineral_i * (n_grains * 10 + 2) 2.1. Mineral volume fraction -> 1 double, at location => 1 + mineral_i * (n_grains * 10 + 2) 2.2. N grains times: 2.1. volume fraction grain -> 1 double, at location: => 2 + grain_i * 10 + mineral_i * (n_grains * 10 + 2) 2.2. rotation_matrix grain -> 9 (Tensor<2,dim>::n_independent_components) doubles, starts at: => 3 + grain_i * 10 + mineral_i * (n_grains * 10 + 2)

Last used data entry is n_minerals * (n_grains * 10 + 2).

We store the same number of grains for all minerals (e.g. olivine and enstatite grains), although their volume fractions may not be the same. This is because we need a minimum number of grains per particle to perform reliable statistics on it. This minimum should be the same for all minerals.

Definition at line 130 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ CrystalPreferredOrientation()


Member Function Documentation

§ initialize()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::initialize ( )

Initialization function. This function is called once at the beginning of the program after parse_parameters is run.

Reimplemented from aspect::Plugins::InterfaceBase.

§ initialize_one_particle_property()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::initialize_one_particle_property ( const Point< dim > &  position,
std::vector< double > &  particle_properties 
) const

Initialization function. This function is called once at the creation of every particle for every property to initialize its value.

[in]positionThe current particle position.
[in,out]particle_propertiesThe properties of the particle that is initialized within the call of this function. The purpose of this function should be to extend this vector by a number of properties.

Reimplemented from aspect::Particle::Property::Interface< dim >.

§ update_particle_property()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::update_particle_property ( const unsigned int  data_position,
const Vector< double > &  solution,
const std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim >> &  gradients,
typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator &  particle 
) const

Update function. This function is called every time an update is request by need_update() for every particle for every property. It is obvious that this function is called a lot, so its code should be efficient. The interface provides a default implementation that does nothing, therefore derived plugins that do not require an update do not need to implement this function.

[in]data_positionAn unsigned integer that denotes which component of the particle property vector is associated with the current property. For properties that own several components it denotes the first component of this property, all other components fill consecutive entries in the particle_properties vector.
[in]solutionThe values of the solution variables at the current particle position.
[in]gradientsThe gradients of the solution variables at the current particle position.
[in,out]particleThe particle that is updated within the call of this function. The particle location can be accessed using particle->get_location() and its properties using particle->get_properties().

Reimplemented from aspect::Particle::Property::Interface< dim >.

§ need_update()

template<int dim>
UpdateTimeFlags aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::need_update ( ) const

This implementation tells the particle manager that we need to update particle properties every time step.

Reimplemented from aspect::Particle::Property::Interface< dim >.

§ late_initialization_mode()

template<int dim>
InitializationModeForLateParticles aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::late_initialization_mode ( ) const

The CPO of late particles is initialized by interpolating from existing particles.

Reimplemented from aspect::Particle::Property::Interface< dim >.

§ get_needed_update_flags()

template<int dim>
UpdateFlags aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::get_needed_update_flags ( ) const

Return which data has to be provided to update the property. The integrated strains needs the gradients of the velocity.

Reimplemented from aspect::Particle::Property::Interface< dim >.

§ get_property_information()

template<int dim>
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, unsigned int> > aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::get_property_information ( ) const

Set up the information about the names and number of components this property requires.

A vector that contains pairs of the property names and the number of components this property plugin defines.

Implements aspect::Particle::Property::Interface< dim >.

§ compute_derivatives()

template<int dim>
std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<Tensor<2,3> > > aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::compute_derivatives ( const unsigned int  cpo_index,
const ArrayView< double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3 > &  strain_rate_3d,
const Tensor< 2, 3 > &  velocity_gradient_tensor,
const Point< dim > &  position,
const double  temperature,
const double  pressure,
const Tensor< 1, dim > &  velocity,
const std::vector< double > &  compositions,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > &  strain_rate,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > &  deviatoric_strain_rate,
const double  water_content 
) const

Computes the volume fraction and grain orientation derivatives of all the grains of a mineral.

cpo_indexThe location where the CPO data starts in the data array.
dataThe data array containing the CPO data.
mineral_iThe mineral for which to compute the derivatives for.
strain_rate_3dThe 3D strain rate at the location where the derivative is requested.
velocity_gradient_tensorThe velocity gradient tensor at the location where the derivative is requested.
positionthe location for which the derivative is requested.
temperatureThe temperature at the location where the derivative is requested.
pressureThe pressure at the location where the derivative is requested.
velocityThe veloicty at the location where the derivative is requested.
compositionsThe compositios at the location where the derivative is requested.
strain_rateThe strain-rate at the location where the derivative is requested.
deviatoric_strain_rateThe deviatoric strain-rate at the location where the derivative is requested.
water_contentThe water content at the location where the derivative is requested.

§ compute_derivatives_drex_2004()

template<int dim>
std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<Tensor<2,3> > > aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::compute_derivatives_drex_2004 ( const unsigned int  cpo_index,
const ArrayView< double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3 > &  strain_rate_3d,
const Tensor< 2, 3 > &  velocity_gradient_tensor,
const std::array< double, 4 >  ref_resolved_shear_stress,
const bool  prevent_nondimensionalization = false 
) const

Computes the CPO derivatives with the D-Rex 2004 algorithm.

cpo_indexThe location where the CPO data starts in the data array.
dataThe data array containing the CPO data.
mineral_iThe mineral for which to compute the derivatives for.
strain_rate_3dThe 3D strain rate
velocity_gradient_tensorThe velocity gradient tensor
ref_resolved_shear_stressRepresent one value per slip plane. The planes are ordered from weakest to strongest with relative values, where the inactive plane is infinity strong. So it is a measure of strength on each slip plane.
prevent_nondimensionalizationPrevent nondimensializing values internally. Only for unit testing purposes.

§ declare_parameters()

template<int dim>
static void aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::declare_parameters ( ParameterHandler &  prm)

Declare the parameters this class takes through input files.

§ parse_parameters()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::parse_parameters ( ParameterHandler &  prm)

Read the parameters this class declares from the parameter file.

Reimplemented from aspect::Plugins::InterfaceBase.

§ get_number_of_grains()

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::get_number_of_grains ( ) const

Return the number of grains per particle

§ get_number_of_minerals()

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::get_number_of_minerals ( ) const

Return the number of minerals per particle

§ determine_deformation_type()

template<int dim>
DeformationType aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::determine_deformation_type ( const DeformationTypeSelector  deformation_type_selector,
const Point< dim > &  position,
const double  temperature,
const double  pressure,
const Tensor< 1, dim > &  velocity,
const std::vector< double > &  compositions,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > &  strain_rate,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > &  deviatoric_strain_rate,
const double  water_content 
) const

Determines the deformation type from the deformation type selector. If the provided deformation_type_selector is a specific deformation type, the function will simply return the corresponding deformation type. However, if the deformation_type_selector is an algorithm to determine the current deformation type (e.g. based on measured lab data or analytical models), then the function computes the appropriate deformation type at the given conditions and returns the compute deformation type.

§ determine_deformation_type_karato_2008()

template<int dim>
DeformationType aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::determine_deformation_type_karato_2008 ( const double  stress,
const double  water_content 
) const

Computes the deformation type given the stress and water content according to the table in Karato 2008.

§ reference_resolved_shear_stress_from_deformation_type()

template<int dim>
std::array<double,4> aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::reference_resolved_shear_stress_from_deformation_type ( DeformationType  deformation_type,
double  max_value = 1e60 
) const

Computes the reference resolved shear stress (RRSS) based on the selected deformation type.

The inactive plane should theoretically be infinitely strong, but this is nummerically not desirable, so an optional max_value can be set to indicate an inactive plane.

It is currently designed to return the relative strength of the slip planes for olivine, which are are 4, but this could be generalized.

§ get_deformation_type()

template<int dim>
DeformationType aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::get_deformation_type ( const unsigned int  cpo_data_position,
const ArrayView< double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i 
) const

Returns the value in the data array representing the deformation type.

cpo_data_positionThe starting index/position of the cpo data in the particle data vector.
dataThe particle data vector.
mineral_iThe mineral to get the value of the deformation type for.

Definition at line 353 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ set_deformation_type()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::set_deformation_type ( const unsigned int  cpo_data_position,
const ArrayView< double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i,
const DeformationType  deformation_type 
) const

Sets the value in the data array representing the deformation type.

cpo_data_positionThe starting index/position of the cpo data in the particle data vector.
dataThe particle data vector.
mineral_iThe mineral to set the value deformation type for.
deformation_typeThe value of the deformation type to set.

Definition at line 369 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ get_volume_fraction_mineral()

template<int dim>
double aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::get_volume_fraction_mineral ( const unsigned int  cpo_data_position,
const ArrayView< double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i 
) const

Returns the value in the data array representing the volume fraction of a mineral.

cpo_data_positionThe starting index/position of the cpo data in the particle data vector.
dataThe particle data vector.
mineral_iThe mineral to get the value of the volume fraction of a mineral for.

Definition at line 385 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ set_volume_fraction_mineral()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::set_volume_fraction_mineral ( const unsigned int  cpo_data_position,
const ArrayView< double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i,
const double  volume_fraction_mineral 
) const

Sets the value in the data array representing the volume fraction of a mineral.

cpo_data_positionThe starting index/position of the cpo data in the particle data vector.
dataThe particle data vector.
mineral_iThe mineral to set the value of the volume fraction of a mineral for.
volume_fraction_mineralThe value of the volume fraction of a mineral to set.

Definition at line 401 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ get_volume_fractions_grains()

template<int dim>
double aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::get_volume_fractions_grains ( const unsigned int  cpo_data_position,
const ArrayView< const double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i,
const unsigned int  grain_i 
) const

Returns the value in the data array representing the volume fraction of a grain.

cpo_data_positionThe starting index/position of the cpo data in the particle data vector.
dataThe particle data vector.
mineral_iThe mineral to get the value of the volume fraction of a grain for.
grain_iThe grain to get the value of the volume fraction of.

Definition at line 418 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ set_volume_fractions_grains()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::set_volume_fractions_grains ( const unsigned int  cpo_data_position,
const ArrayView< double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i,
const unsigned int  grain_i,
const double  volume_fractions_grains 
) const

Sets the value in the data array representing the volume fraction of a grain.

cpo_data_positionThe starting index/position of the cpo data in the particle data vector.
dataThe particle data vector.
mineral_iThe mineral to set the value of the volume fraction of a grain for.
grain_iThe grain to set the value of the volume fraction of.
volume_fractions_grainsThe value of the volume fraction of a grain to set.

Definition at line 436 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ get_rotation_matrix_grains()

template<int dim>
Tensor<2,3> aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::get_rotation_matrix_grains ( const unsigned int  cpo_data_position,
const ArrayView< const double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i,
const unsigned int  grain_i 
) const

Gets the rotation matrix for a grain in a mineral.

cpo_data_positionThe starting index/position of the cpo data in the particle data vector.
dataThe particle data vector.
mineral_iThe mineral to get the value of the rotation matrix of a grain for.
grain_iThe grain to get the value of the rotation matrix of.
Tensor<2,3> The rotation matrix of a grain in a mineral

Definition at line 455 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ set_rotation_matrix_grains()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::set_rotation_matrix_grains ( const unsigned int  cpo_data_position,
const ArrayView< double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i,
const unsigned int  grain_i,
const Tensor< 2, 3 > &  rotation_matrix 
) const

Sets the rotation matrix for a grain in a mineral.

cpo_data_positionThe starting index/position of the cpo data in the particle data vector.
dataThe particle data vector.
mineral_iThe mineral to set the value of the rotation matrix of a grain for.
grain_iThe grain to get the value of the rotation matrix of.
rotation_matrixThe rotation matrix to set for the grain in the mineral.

Definition at line 479 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ compute_random_rotation_matrix()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::compute_random_rotation_matrix ( Tensor< 2, 3 > &  rotation_matrix) const

Computes a random rotation matrix.

§ advect_forward_euler()

template<int dim>
double aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::advect_forward_euler ( const unsigned int  cpo_data_position,
const ArrayView< double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i,
const double  dt,
const std::pair< std::vector< double >, std::vector< Tensor< 2, 3 >>> &  derivatives 
) const

Updates the volume fractions and rotation matrices with a Forward Euler scheme.

Updates the volume fractions and rotation matrices with a Forward Euler scheme: \(x_t = x_{t-1} + dt * x_{t-1} * \frac{dx_t}{dt}\). The function returns the sum of the new volume fractions.

cpo_data_positionThe starting index/position of the cpo data in the particle data vector.
dataThe particle data vector.
mineral_iWhich mineral to advect for.
dtThe time step used for the advection step
derivativesA pair containing the derivatives for the volume fractions and orientations respectively.
double The sum of all volume fractions.

§ advect_backward_euler()

template<int dim>
double aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::advect_backward_euler ( const unsigned int  cpo_data_position,
const ArrayView< double > &  data,
const unsigned int  mineral_i,
const double  dt,
const std::pair< std::vector< double >, std::vector< Tensor< 2, 3 >>> &  derivatives 
) const

Updates the volume fractions and rotation matrices with a Backward Euler scheme.

Updates the volume fractions and rotation matrices with a Backward Euler scheme: \(x_t = x_{t-1} + dt * x_{t-1} * \frac{dx_t}{dt}\). The function returns the sum of the new volume fractions.

cpo_data_positionThe starting index/position of the cpo data in the particle data vector.
dataThe particle data vector.
mineral_iWhich mineral to advect for.
dtThe time step used for the advection step
derivativesA pair containing the derivatives for the volume fractions and orientations respectively.
double The sum of all volume fractions.

§ compute_derivatives_spin_tensor()

template<int dim>
std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<Tensor<2,3> > > aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::compute_derivatives_spin_tensor ( const Tensor< 2, 3 > &  velocity_gradient_tensor) const

Computes and returns the volume fraction and grain orientation derivatives such that the grains stay the same size and the orientations rotating passively with the particle.

velocity_gradient_tensoris the velocity gradient tensor at the location of the particle.

Member Data Documentation

§ random_number_generator

template<int dim>
boost::mt19937 aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::random_number_generator

Random number generator used for initialization of particles

Definition at line 557 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ random_number_seed

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::random_number_seed

Definition at line 558 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ n_grains

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::n_grains

Definition at line 560 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ n_minerals

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::n_minerals

Definition at line 562 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ water_index

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::water_index

The index of the water composition.

Definition at line 567 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ deformation_type_selector

template<int dim>
std::vector<DeformationTypeSelector> aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::deformation_type_selector

A vector containing the deformation type selectors provided by the user. Should be one of the following: "Olivine: Karato 2008", "Olivine: A-fabric", "Olivine: B-fabric", "Olivine: C-fabric", "Olivine: D-fabric", "Olivine: E-fabric", "Enstatite" or "Passive".

Definition at line 575 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ volume_fractions_minerals

template<int dim>
std::vector<double> aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::volume_fractions_minerals

Store the volume fraction for each mineral.

Definition at line 580 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ advection_method

template<int dim>
AdvectionMethod aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::advection_method

Advection method for particle properties

Definition at line 585 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ cpo_derivative_algorithm

template<int dim>
CPODerivativeAlgorithm aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::cpo_derivative_algorithm

What algorithm to use to compute the derivatives

Definition at line 590 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ property_advection_tolerance

template<int dim>
double aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::property_advection_tolerance

This value determines the tolerance used for the Backward Euler and Crank-Nicolson iterations.

Definition at line 596 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ property_advection_max_iterations

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::property_advection_max_iterations

This value determines the the maximum number of iterations used for the Backward Euler and Crank-Nicolson iterations.

Definition at line 602 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ stress_exponent

template<int dim>
double aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::stress_exponent

Stress exponent

Definition at line 611 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ nucleation_efficiency

template<int dim>
double aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::nucleation_efficiency

efficiency of nucleation parameter. lambda_m in equation 8 of Kaminski et al. (2004, Geophys. J. Int)

Definition at line 617 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ exponent_p

template<int dim>
double aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::exponent_p

An exponent described in equation 10 of Kaminski and Ribe (2001, EPSL)

Definition at line 622 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ threshold_GBS

template<int dim>
double aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::threshold_GBS

The Dimensionless Grain Boundary Sliding (GBS) threshold. This is a grain size threshold below which grain deform by GBS and become strain-free grains.

Definition at line 629 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ mobility

template<int dim>
double aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::mobility

Dimensionless grain boundary mobility as described by equation 14 in Kaminski and Ribe (2001, EPSL).

Definition at line 635 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

§ initial_grains_model

template<int dim>
CPOInitialGrainsModel aspect::Particle::Property::CrystalPreferredOrientation< dim >::initial_grains_model

Sets which type of initial grain model is used to create the gain sizes and orientations

Definition at line 640 of file crystal_preferred_orientation.h.

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