Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
aspect Namespace Reference




struct  CompositionalFieldDescription
struct  DefectCorrectionResiduals
struct  FEVariable
class  FEVariableCollection
struct  Introspection
class  LateralAveraging
class  MeltHandler
class  NewtonHandler
struct  Parameters
class  QuietException
struct  RotationProperties
class  Simulator
class  SimulatorAccess
struct  SimulatorSignals
class  SolutionEvaluator
class  SphericalManifold
class  StokesMatrixFreeHandler
class  StokesMatrixFreeHandlerImplementation
struct  VariableDeclaration
struct  VolumeOfFluidField
class  VolumeOfFluidHandler


using iarchive = boost::archive::binary_iarchive
using oarchive = boost::archive::binary_oarchive
template<class T , unsigned int N = 100>
using small_vector = boost::container::small_vector< T, N >


template<int dim>
std::vector< VariableDeclaration< dim > > construct_default_variables (const Parameters< dim > &parameters)
 DeclExceptionMsg (ExcNonlinearSolverNoConvergence, "Nonlinear solver failed to converge in the prescribed number of steps. " "Consider changing `Max nonlinear iterations` or `Nonlinear solver failure " "strategy`.")
template<int dim>
std::unique_ptr< SolutionEvaluator< dim > > construct_solution_evaluator (const SimulatorAccess< dim > &simulator_access, const UpdateFlags update_flags)

Typedef Documentation

§ iarchive

using aspect::iarchive = typedef boost::archive::binary_iarchive

A typedef that denotes the BOOST stream type for reading data during serialization. The type chosen here is a binary archive which we subsequently will have to un-compress.

Definition at line 209 of file global.h.

§ oarchive

using aspect::oarchive = typedef boost::archive::binary_oarchive

A typedef that denotes the BOOST stream type for writing data during serialization. The type chosen here is a binary archive which we compress before writing it into a file.

Definition at line 216 of file global.h.

§ small_vector

template<class T , unsigned int N = 100>
using aspect::small_vector = typedef boost::container::small_vector<T, N>

A type that we use for small vectors, whose approximate size is known at compile time. Such a vector can be used just like std::vector. The benefit of using small_vector lies in the fact that it allocates a small number of elements on the stack. As long as the size of the vector does not exceed this number N, no dynamic memory allocation is necessary to create or resize this vector, making these operations around 100x faster than for std::vector. Our type definition uses a default size of 100, because most of the vectors in ASPECT are smaller than that, because they contain as many entries as the number of quadrature points, the number of compositional fields, the number of particles per cell, or the number of degrees of freedom per cell. If the size of the vector exceeds 100 elements, the computations performed on these 100 elements are significantly more expensive than the memory allocation anyway.

See the documentation of boost::container::small_vector for implementation details, and the documentation of std::vector for available member functions.

Definition at line 251 of file global.h.

Function Documentation

§ construct_default_variables()

template<int dim>
std::vector<VariableDeclaration<dim> > aspect::construct_default_variables ( const Parameters< dim > &  parameters)

Helper function to construct the default list of variables to use based on the given set of parameters.

§ DeclExceptionMsg()

aspect::DeclExceptionMsg ( ExcNonlinearSolverNoConvergence  ,
"Nonlinear solver failed to converge in the prescribed number of steps. " "Consider changing `Max nonlinear iterations` or `Nonlinear solver failure " "strategy`."   

Exception to be thrown when the nonlinear solver needs too many iterations to converge.

§ construct_solution_evaluator()

template<int dim>
std::unique_ptr<SolutionEvaluator<dim> > aspect::construct_solution_evaluator ( const SimulatorAccess< dim > &  simulator_access,
const UpdateFlags  update_flags 

A function to create a pointer to a SolutionEvaluator object.