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aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 MeshDeformationHandler (Simulator< dim > &simulator)
 ~MeshDeformationHandler () override
void initialize ()
void set_assemblers (const SimulatorAccess< dim > &simulator_access, aspect::Assemblers::Manager< dim > &assemblers) const
void update ()
void execute ()
void setup_dofs ()
void parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
const std::map< types::boundary_id, std::vector< std::string > > & get_active_mesh_deformation_names () const
const std::map< types::boundary_id, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Interface< dim > > > > & get_active_mesh_deformation_models () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_active_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_boundary_indicators_requiring_stabilization () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_free_surface_boundary_indicators () const
double get_free_surface_theta () const
const LinearAlgebra::Vectorget_initial_topography () const
const LinearAlgebra::Vectorget_mesh_displacements () const
const DoFHandler< dim > & get_mesh_deformation_dof_handler () const
template<typename MeshDeformationType , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Interface<dim>,MeshDeformationType>::value>>
bool has_matching_mesh_deformation_object () const
template<typename MeshDeformationType , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Interface<dim>,MeshDeformationType>::value>>
const MeshDeformationType & get_matching_mesh_deformation_object () const
const Mapping< dim > & get_level_mapping (const unsigned int level) const
 DeclException1 (ExcMeshDeformationNameNotFound, std::string,<< "Could not find entry <"<< arg1<< "> among the names of registered mesh deformation objects.")
- Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::SimulatorAccess< dim >
 SimulatorAccess ()
 SimulatorAccess (const Simulator< dim > &simulator_object)
virtual ~SimulatorAccess ()=default
virtual void initialize_simulator (const Simulator< dim > &simulator_object)
const Introspection< dim > & introspection () const
const Simulator< dim > & get_simulator () const
const Parameters< dim > & get_parameters () const
SimulatorSignals< dim > & get_signals () const
MPI_Comm get_mpi_communicator () const
TimerOutput & get_computing_timer () const
const ConditionalOStream & get_pcout () const
double get_time () const
double get_timestep () const
double get_old_timestep () const
unsigned int get_timestep_number () const
const TimeStepping::Manager< dim > & get_timestepping_manager () const
unsigned int get_nonlinear_iteration () const
const parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim > & get_triangulation () const
double get_volume () const
const Mapping< dim > & get_mapping () const
std::string get_output_directory () const
bool include_adiabatic_heating () const
bool include_latent_heat () const
bool include_melt_transport () const
int get_stokes_velocity_degree () const
double get_adiabatic_surface_temperature () const
double get_surface_pressure () const
bool convert_output_to_years () const
unsigned int get_pre_refinement_step () const
unsigned int n_compositional_fields () const
double get_end_time () const
void get_refinement_criteria (Vector< float > &estimated_error_per_cell) const
void get_artificial_viscosity (Vector< float > &viscosity_per_cell, const bool skip_interior_cells=false) const
void get_artificial_viscosity_composition (Vector< float > &viscosity_per_cell, const unsigned int compositional_variable) const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_current_linearization_point () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_old_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_old_old_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_reaction_vector () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_mesh_velocity () const
const DoFHandler< dim > & get_dof_handler () const
const FiniteElement< dim > & get_fe () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockSparseMatrixget_system_matrix () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockSparseMatrixget_system_preconditioner_matrix () const
const MaterialModel::Interface< dim > & get_material_model () const
const GravityModel::Interface< dim > & get_gravity_model () const
const InitialTopographyModel::Interface< dim > & get_initial_topography_model () const
const GeometryModel::Interface< dim > & get_geometry_model () const
const AdiabaticConditions::Interface< dim > & get_adiabatic_conditions () const
bool has_boundary_temperature () const
const BoundaryTemperature::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_temperature_manager () const
const BoundaryHeatFlux::Interface< dim > & get_boundary_heat_flux () const
bool has_boundary_composition () const
const BoundaryComposition::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_composition_manager () const
const BoundaryTraction::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_traction_manager () const
std::shared_ptr< const InitialTemperature::Manager< dim > > get_initial_temperature_manager_pointer () const
const InitialTemperature::Manager< dim > & get_initial_temperature_manager () const
std::shared_ptr< const InitialComposition::Manager< dim > > get_initial_composition_manager_pointer () const
const InitialComposition::Manager< dim > & get_initial_composition_manager () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_temperature_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_heat_flux_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_composition_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators () const
const BoundaryVelocity::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_velocity_manager () const
const HeatingModel::Manager< dim > & get_heating_model_manager () const
const MeshRefinement::Manager< dim > & get_mesh_refinement_manager () const
const MeltHandler< dim > & get_melt_handler () const
const VolumeOfFluidHandler< dim > & get_volume_of_fluid_handler () const
const NewtonHandler< dim > & get_newton_handler () const
const MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim > & get_mesh_deformation_handler () const
const LateralAveraging< dim > & get_lateral_averaging () const
const AffineConstraints< double > & get_current_constraints () const
bool simulator_is_past_initialization () const
double get_pressure_scaling () const
bool pressure_rhs_needs_compatibility_modification () const
bool model_has_prescribed_stokes_solution () const
TableHandler & get_statistics_object () const
const Postprocess::Manager< dim > & get_postprocess_manager () const
unsigned int n_particle_managers () const
const Particle::Manager< dim > & get_particle_manager (const unsigned int particle_manager_index) const
Particle::Manager< dim > & get_particle_manager (const unsigned int particle_manager_index)
bool is_stokes_matrix_free ()
const StokesMatrixFreeHandler< dim > & get_stokes_matrix_free () const
RotationProperties< dim > compute_net_angular_momentum (const bool use_constant_density, const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector &solution, const bool limit_to_top_faces=false) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
static void register_mesh_deformation (const std::string &name, const std::string &description, void(*declare_parameters_function)(ParameterHandler &), std::unique_ptr< Interface< dim >>(*factory_function)())
static void write_plugin_graph (std::ostream &output_stream)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::SimulatorAccess< dim >
static void get_composition_values_at_q_point (const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &composition_values, const unsigned int q, std::vector< double > &composition_values_at_q_point)

Private Member Functions

void make_initial_constraints ()
void make_constraints ()
void compute_mesh_displacements ()
void compute_mesh_displacements_gmg ()
void set_initial_topography ()
void interpolate_mesh_velocity ()
void update_multilevel_deformation ()

Private Attributes

Simulator< dim > & sim
const FESystem< dim > mesh_deformation_fe
DoFHandler< dim > mesh_deformation_dof_handler
LinearAlgebra::BlockVector mesh_velocity
LinearAlgebra::Vector mesh_displacements
LinearAlgebra::Vector old_mesh_displacements
LinearAlgebra::Vector initial_topography
LinearAlgebra::Vector fs_mesh_velocity
IndexSet mesh_locally_owned
IndexSet mesh_locally_relevant
AffineConstraints< double > mesh_velocity_constraints
AffineConstraints< double > mesh_vertex_constraints
std::map< types::boundary_id, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Interface< dim > > > > mesh_deformation_objects
std::map< types::boundary_id, std::vector< std::string > > mesh_deformation_object_names
std::set< types::boundary_id > prescribed_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators
std::set< types::boundary_id > tangential_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators
std::set< types::boundary_id > zero_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators
std::set< types::boundary_id > free_surface_boundary_indicators
std::set< types::boundary_id > boundary_indicators_requiring_stabilization
bool include_initial_topography
double surface_theta
MGLevelObject< std::unique_ptr< Mapping< dim > > > level_mappings
MGLevelObject<::LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< double > > level_displacements
MGTransferMF< dim, double > mg_transfer
MGConstrainedDoFs mg_constrained_dofs


class Simulator< dim >
class SimulatorAccess< dim >

Detailed Description

template<int dim>
class aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >

The MeshDeformationHandler that handles the motion of the surface, the internal nodes and computes the Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian correction terms.

Definition at line 93 of file simulator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ MeshDeformationHandler()

template<int dim>
aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::MeshDeformationHandler ( Simulator< dim > &  simulator)

Initialize the mesh deformation handler, allowing it to read in relevant parameters as well as giving it a reference to the Simulator that owns it, since it needs to make fairly extensive changes to the internals of the simulator.

§ ~MeshDeformationHandler()

Destructor for the mesh deformation handler.

Member Function Documentation

§ initialize()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::initialize ( )

Initialization function of the MeshDeformationHandler.

The default implementation of this function does nothing.

§ set_assemblers()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::set_assemblers ( const SimulatorAccess< dim > &  simulator_access,
aspect::Assemblers::Manager< dim > &  assemblers 
) const

Called by Simulator::set_assemblers() to allow the FreeSurface plugin to register its assembler.

§ update()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::update ( )

Update function of the MeshDeformationHandler. This function allows the individual mesh deformation objects to update.

§ execute()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::execute ( )

The main execution step for the mesh deformation implementation. This computes the motion of the surface, moves the boundary nodes accordingly, redistributes the internal nodes in order to preserve mesh regularity, and calculates the Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian correction terms for advected quantities.

§ setup_dofs()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::setup_dofs ( )

Allocates and sets up the members of the MeshDeformationHandler. This is called by Simulator<dim>::setup_dofs()

§ declare_parameters()

template<int dim>
static void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::declare_parameters ( ParameterHandler &  prm)

Declare parameters for the mesh deformation handling.

§ parse_parameters()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::parse_parameters ( ParameterHandler &  prm)

Parse parameters for the mesh deformation handling.

§ register_mesh_deformation()

template<int dim>
static void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::register_mesh_deformation ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  description,
void(*)(ParameterHandler &)  declare_parameters_function,
std::unique_ptr< Interface< dim >>(*)()  factory_function 

A function that is used to register mesh deformation objects in such a way that the Manager can deal with all of them without having to know them by name. This allows the files in which individual plugins are implemented to register these plugins, rather than also having to modify the Manager class by adding the new initial mesh deformation plugin class.

nameA string that identifies the mesh deformation model
descriptionA text description of what this model does and that will be listed in the documentation of the parameter file.
declare_parameters_functionA pointer to a function that can be used to declare the parameters that this mesh deformation model wants to read from input files.
factory_functionA pointer to a function that can create an object of this mesh deformation model.

§ get_active_mesh_deformation_names()

template<int dim>
const std::map<types::boundary_id, std::vector<std::string> >& aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_active_mesh_deformation_names ( ) const

Return a map of boundary indicators to the names of all mesh deformation models currently used in the computation, as specified in the input file.

§ get_active_mesh_deformation_models()

template<int dim>
const std::map<types::boundary_id,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Interface<dim> > > >& aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_active_mesh_deformation_models ( ) const

Return a map of boundary indicators to vectors of pointers to all mesh deformation models currently used in the computation, as specified in the input file.

§ get_active_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators()

template<int dim>
const std::set<types::boundary_id>& aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_active_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators ( ) const

Return a set of all the indicators of boundaries with mesh deformation objects on them.

§ get_boundary_indicators_requiring_stabilization()

template<int dim>
const std::set<types::boundary_id>& aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_boundary_indicators_requiring_stabilization ( ) const

Return a set of all the indicators of boundaries that require surface stabilization.

§ get_free_surface_boundary_indicators()

template<int dim>
const std::set<types::boundary_id>& aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_free_surface_boundary_indicators ( ) const

Return the boundary id of the surface that has a free surface mesh deformation object. If no free surface is used, an empty set is returned.

§ get_free_surface_theta()

template<int dim>
double aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_free_surface_theta ( ) const

Return the stabilization parameter for the free surface.

§ get_initial_topography()

template<int dim>
const LinearAlgebra::Vector& aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_initial_topography ( ) const

Return the initial topography stored on the Q1 finite element that describes the mesh geometry. Note that a topography is set for all mesh nodes, but only the values of surface boundary nodes are correct. The internal nodes get the same initial topography as the corresponding surface node. In other words, there is no decrease of the initial topography with depth. However, only the topography stored at the surface nodes is taken into account in the diffusion plugin that uses this function. TODO Once all initial_topography is prescribed through initial_mesh_deformation, this function can be removed.

§ get_mesh_displacements()

template<int dim>
const LinearAlgebra::Vector& aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_mesh_displacements ( ) const

Return the mesh displacements based on the mesh deformation DoFHandler you can access with get_mesh_deformation_dof_handler().

§ get_mesh_deformation_dof_handler()

template<int dim>
const DoFHandler<dim>& aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_mesh_deformation_dof_handler ( ) const

Return the DoFHandler used to represent the mesh deformation space.

§ has_matching_mesh_deformation_object()

template<int dim>
template<typename MeshDeformationType , typename >
bool aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::has_matching_mesh_deformation_object ( ) const

Go through the list of all mesh deformation objects that have been selected in the input file (and are consequently currently active) and return true if one of them has the desired type specified by the template argument.

This function can only be called if the given template type (the first template argument) is a class derived from the Interface class in this namespace.

Definition at line 579 of file interface.h.

§ get_matching_mesh_deformation_object()

template<int dim>
template<typename MeshDeformationType , typename >
const MeshDeformationType & aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_matching_mesh_deformation_object ( ) const

Go through the list of all mesh deformation objects that have been selected in the input file (and are consequently currently active) and see if one of them has the type specified by the template argument or can be cast to that type. If so, return a reference to it. If no mesh deformation object is active that matches the given type, throw an exception.

This function can only be called if the given template type (the first template argument) is a class derived from the Interface class in this namespace.

Definition at line 595 of file interface.h.

References aspect::MeshDeformation::get_valid_model_names_pattern().

§ get_level_mapping()

template<int dim>
const Mapping<dim>& aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::get_level_mapping ( const unsigned int  level) const

If multilevel solvers are used, we need a mapping on each multigrid level. These are automatically updated by this handler class and can be accessed with this method.

§ write_plugin_graph()

template<int dim>
static void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::write_plugin_graph ( std::ostream &  output_stream)

For the current plugin subsystem, write a connection graph of all of the plugins we know about, in the format that the programs dot and neato understand. This allows for a visualization of how all of the plugins that ASPECT knows about are interconnected, and connect to other parts of the ASPECT code.

output_streamThe stream to write the output to.

§ DeclException1()

template<int dim>
aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::DeclException1 ( ExcMeshDeformationNameNotFound  ,


§ make_initial_constraints()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::make_initial_constraints ( )

Compute the initial constraints for the mesh displacement on the boundaries of the domain. This is used on the mesh deformation boundaries to describe a displacement (initial topography) to be used during the simulation. The displacement is given by the active deformation plugins.

§ make_constraints()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::make_constraints ( )

Compute the constraints for the mesh velocity on the boundaries of the domain. On the mesh deformation boundaries, the velocity is given by the active deformation plugins.

Velocities on free-slip boundaries are constrained to be tangential to those boundaries. Velocities on no-slip boundaries are set to be zero. If a no-slip boundary is marked as additional tangential, then velocities are constrained as tangential.

§ compute_mesh_displacements()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::compute_mesh_displacements ( )

Solve vector Laplacian equation for internal mesh displacements and update the current displacement vector based on the solution.

§ compute_mesh_displacements_gmg()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::compute_mesh_displacements_gmg ( )

Solve vector Laplacian equation using GMG for internal mesh displacements and update the current displacement vector based on the solution.

§ set_initial_topography()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::set_initial_topography ( )

Set up the vector with initial displacements of the mesh due to the initial topography, as supplied by the initial topography plugin based on the surface coordinates of the mesh nodes. We set all entries to the initial topography based on its surface coordinates, i.e. the initial topography is not corrected for depth from the surface as it is for the initial mesh deformation. TODO this is ok for now, because the surface diffusion plugin only cares about the initial topography at the surface, but it would be more correct if it sets the initial topography to the actual initial distortion of the mesh cells. When all initial_topography plugins are converted to the new initial_mesh_deformation functionality, this function can be removed.

§ interpolate_mesh_velocity()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::interpolate_mesh_velocity ( )

Calculate the velocity of the mesh for ALE corrections.

§ update_multilevel_deformation()

template<int dim>
void aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::update_multilevel_deformation ( )

Update the mesh deformation for the multigrid levels.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

§ Simulator< dim >

template<int dim>
friend class Simulator< dim >

Definition at line 569 of file interface.h.

§ SimulatorAccess< dim >

template<int dim>
friend class SimulatorAccess< dim >

Definition at line 570 of file interface.h.

Member Data Documentation

§ sim

template<int dim>
Simulator<dim>& aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::sim

Reference to the Simulator object to which a MeshDeformationHandler instance belongs.

Definition at line 419 of file interface.h.

§ mesh_deformation_fe

template<int dim>
const FESystem<dim> aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mesh_deformation_fe

Finite element for the mesh deformation implementation, which is used for tracking mesh deformation.

Definition at line 425 of file interface.h.

§ mesh_deformation_dof_handler

template<int dim>
DoFHandler<dim> aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mesh_deformation_dof_handler

DoFHandler for the mesh deformation implementation.

Definition at line 430 of file interface.h.

§ mesh_velocity

template<int dim>
LinearAlgebra::BlockVector aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mesh_velocity

BlockVector which stores the mesh velocity in the Stokes finite element space. This is used for ALE corrections.

Definition at line 437 of file interface.h.

§ mesh_displacements

template<int dim>
LinearAlgebra::Vector aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mesh_displacements

Vector for storing the positions of the mesh vertices. This is used for calculating the mapping from the reference cell to the position of the cell in the deformed mesh. This must be redistributed upon mesh refinement.

Definition at line 445 of file interface.h.

§ old_mesh_displacements

template<int dim>
LinearAlgebra::Vector aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::old_mesh_displacements

mesh_displacements from the last time step.

Definition at line 450 of file interface.h.

§ initial_topography

template<int dim>
LinearAlgebra::Vector aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::initial_topography

Vector for storing the positions of the mesh vertices at the initial timestep. This must be redistributed upon mesh refinement. We need to store the initial topography because it is not taken into account into the mesh displacements used by the MappingQ1Eulerian. The current mesh displacements plus the initial topography provide the actual topography at any time.

Definition at line 460 of file interface.h.

§ fs_mesh_velocity

template<int dim>
LinearAlgebra::Vector aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::fs_mesh_velocity

Vector for storing the mesh velocity in the mesh deformation finite element space, which is, in general, not the same finite element space as the Stokes system. This is used for interpolating the mesh velocity in the mesh deformation finite element space onto the velocity in the Stokes finite element space, which is then used for making the ALE correction in the advection equations.

Definition at line 470 of file interface.h.

§ mesh_locally_owned

template<int dim>
IndexSet aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mesh_locally_owned

IndexSet for the locally owned DoFs for the mesh system

Definition at line 475 of file interface.h.

§ mesh_locally_relevant

template<int dim>
IndexSet aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mesh_locally_relevant

IndexSet for the locally relevant DoFs for the mesh system

Definition at line 480 of file interface.h.

§ mesh_velocity_constraints

template<int dim>
AffineConstraints<double> aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mesh_velocity_constraints

Storage for the mesh velocity constraints for solving the elliptic problem.

Definition at line 486 of file interface.h.

§ mesh_vertex_constraints

template<int dim>
AffineConstraints<double> aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mesh_vertex_constraints

Storage for the mesh vertex constraints for keeping the mesh conforming upon redistribution.

Definition at line 492 of file interface.h.

§ mesh_deformation_objects

template<int dim>
std::map<types::boundary_id,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Interface<dim> > > > aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mesh_deformation_objects

A map of boundary ids to mesh deformation objects that have been requested in the parameter file.

Definition at line 498 of file interface.h.

§ mesh_deformation_object_names

template<int dim>
std::map<types::boundary_id, std::vector<std::string> > aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mesh_deformation_object_names

Map from boundary id to a vector of names representing mesh deformation objects.

Definition at line 504 of file interface.h.

§ prescribed_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators

template<int dim>
std::set<types::boundary_id> aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::prescribed_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators

The set of boundary indicators for which mesh deformation objects are set and that therefore can deform over time as prescribed in the mesh_deformation_objects.

Definition at line 511 of file interface.h.

§ tangential_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators

template<int dim>
std::set<types::boundary_id> aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::tangential_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators

A set of boundary indicators that denote those boundaries that are allowed to move their mesh tangential to the boundary.

Definition at line 517 of file interface.h.

§ zero_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators

template<int dim>
std::set<types::boundary_id> aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::zero_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators

A set of boundary indicators, on which mesh deformation is prescribed to be zero (fixed boundaries that never move). All boundaries except those in prescribed_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators and tangential_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators are in this set.

Definition at line 525 of file interface.h.

§ free_surface_boundary_indicators

template<int dim>
std::set<types::boundary_id> aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::free_surface_boundary_indicators

The boundary indicator(s) of the free surface(s). This is the subset of prescribed_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators for which the 'free surface' plugin was selected.

Definition at line 532 of file interface.h.

§ boundary_indicators_requiring_stabilization

template<int dim>
std::set<types::boundary_id> aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::boundary_indicators_requiring_stabilization

The set of boundary indicators for which the mesh deformation objects need surface stabilization.

Definition at line 538 of file interface.h.

§ include_initial_topography

template<int dim>
bool aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::include_initial_topography

Definition at line 540 of file interface.h.

§ surface_theta

template<int dim>
double aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::surface_theta

Stabilization parameter for the free surface. Should be between zero and one. A value of zero means no stabilization. See Kaus et. al. 2010 for more details.

Definition at line 547 of file interface.h.

§ level_mappings

template<int dim>
MGLevelObject<std::unique_ptr<Mapping<dim> > > aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::level_mappings

If required, store a mapping for each multigrid level.

Definition at line 552 of file interface.h.

§ level_displacements

template<int dim>
MGLevelObject<::LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> > aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::level_displacements

One vector on each multigrid level for the mesh displacement used in the mapping.

Definition at line 557 of file interface.h.

§ mg_transfer

template<int dim>
MGTransferMF<dim, double> aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mg_transfer

Multigrid transfer operator for the displacements

Definition at line 562 of file interface.h.

§ mg_constrained_dofs

template<int dim>
MGConstrainedDoFs aspect::MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim >::mg_constrained_dofs

Multigrid level constraints for the displacements

Definition at line 567 of file interface.h.

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