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aspect::Particle::Manager< dim > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >:
Inheritance graph


struct  ParticleLoadBalancing

Public Member Functions

 Manager ()
 ~Manager () override
 Manager (Manager &&) noexcept
void initialize ()
void update ()
const Property::Manager< dim > & get_property_manager () const
const Particles::ParticleHandler< dim > & get_particle_handler () const
Particles::ParticleHandler< dim > & get_particle_handler ()
void copy_particle_handler (const Particles::ParticleHandler< dim > &from_particle_handler, Particles::ParticleHandler< dim > &to_particle_handler) const
void backup_particles ()
 Stores a copy of the particle handler in particle_handler_backup. This copy can be used to restore the position and properties of the particles for example after advection solver iterations of the iterated advection scheme or when a timestep has to be repeated. More...
void restore_particles ()
 Restores the particle handler particle_handler based on the copy in particle_handler_backup. This restores the position and properties of the particles to those in the copy and can be used for example after advection solver iterations of the iterated advection scheme or when a timestep has to be repeated. More...
void setup_initial_state ()
const Interpolator::Interface< dim > & get_interpolator () const
void generate_particles ()
void initialize_particles ()
void advance_timestep ()
types::particle_index n_global_particles () const
void connect_to_signals (aspect::SimulatorSignals< dim > &signals)
unsigned int cell_weight (const typename parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim >::cell_iterator &cell, const typename parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim >::CellStatus status)
void update_particles ()
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
virtual void save (std::ostringstream &os) const
virtual void load (std::istringstream &is)
virtual void parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm, const unsigned int particle_manager)
- Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::SimulatorAccess< dim >
 SimulatorAccess ()
 SimulatorAccess (const Simulator< dim > &simulator_object)
virtual ~SimulatorAccess ()=default
virtual void initialize_simulator (const Simulator< dim > &simulator_object)
const Introspection< dim > & introspection () const
const Simulator< dim > & get_simulator () const
const Parameters< dim > & get_parameters () const
SimulatorSignals< dim > & get_signals () const
MPI_Comm get_mpi_communicator () const
TimerOutput & get_computing_timer () const
const ConditionalOStream & get_pcout () const
double get_time () const
double get_timestep () const
double get_old_timestep () const
unsigned int get_timestep_number () const
const TimeStepping::Manager< dim > & get_timestepping_manager () const
unsigned int get_nonlinear_iteration () const
const parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim > & get_triangulation () const
double get_volume () const
const Mapping< dim > & get_mapping () const
std::string get_output_directory () const
bool include_adiabatic_heating () const
bool include_latent_heat () const
bool include_melt_transport () const
int get_stokes_velocity_degree () const
double get_adiabatic_surface_temperature () const
double get_surface_pressure () const
bool convert_output_to_years () const
unsigned int get_pre_refinement_step () const
unsigned int n_compositional_fields () const
double get_end_time () const
void get_refinement_criteria (Vector< float > &estimated_error_per_cell) const
void get_artificial_viscosity (Vector< float > &viscosity_per_cell, const bool skip_interior_cells=false) const
void get_artificial_viscosity_composition (Vector< float > &viscosity_per_cell, const unsigned int compositional_variable) const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_current_linearization_point () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_old_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_old_old_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_reaction_vector () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_mesh_velocity () const
const DoFHandler< dim > & get_dof_handler () const
const FiniteElement< dim > & get_fe () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockSparseMatrixget_system_matrix () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockSparseMatrixget_system_preconditioner_matrix () const
const MaterialModel::Interface< dim > & get_material_model () const
const GravityModel::Interface< dim > & get_gravity_model () const
const InitialTopographyModel::Interface< dim > & get_initial_topography_model () const
const GeometryModel::Interface< dim > & get_geometry_model () const
const AdiabaticConditions::Interface< dim > & get_adiabatic_conditions () const
bool has_boundary_temperature () const
const BoundaryTemperature::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_temperature_manager () const
const BoundaryHeatFlux::Interface< dim > & get_boundary_heat_flux () const
bool has_boundary_composition () const
const BoundaryComposition::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_composition_manager () const
const BoundaryTraction::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_traction_manager () const
std::shared_ptr< const InitialTemperature::Manager< dim > > get_initial_temperature_manager_pointer () const
const InitialTemperature::Manager< dim > & get_initial_temperature_manager () const
std::shared_ptr< const InitialComposition::Manager< dim > > get_initial_composition_manager_pointer () const
const InitialComposition::Manager< dim > & get_initial_composition_manager () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_temperature_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_heat_flux_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_composition_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators () const
const BoundaryVelocity::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_velocity_manager () const
const HeatingModel::Manager< dim > & get_heating_model_manager () const
const MeshRefinement::Manager< dim > & get_mesh_refinement_manager () const
const MeltHandler< dim > & get_melt_handler () const
const VolumeOfFluidHandler< dim > & get_volume_of_fluid_handler () const
const NewtonHandler< dim > & get_newton_handler () const
const MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim > & get_mesh_deformation_handler () const
const LateralAveraging< dim > & get_lateral_averaging () const
const AffineConstraints< double > & get_current_constraints () const
bool simulator_is_past_initialization () const
double get_pressure_scaling () const
bool pressure_rhs_needs_compatibility_modification () const
bool model_has_prescribed_stokes_solution () const
TableHandler & get_statistics_object () const
const Postprocess::Manager< dim > & get_postprocess_manager () const
unsigned int n_particle_managers () const
const Particle::Manager< dim > & get_particle_manager (const unsigned int particle_manager_index) const
Particle::Manager< dim > & get_particle_manager (const unsigned int particle_manager_index)
bool is_stokes_matrix_free ()
const StokesMatrixFreeHandler< dim > & get_stokes_matrix_free () const
RotationProperties< dim > compute_net_angular_momentum (const bool use_constant_density, const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector &solution, const bool limit_to_top_faces=false) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::SimulatorAccess< dim >
static void get_composition_values_at_q_point (const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &composition_values, const unsigned int q, std::vector< double > &composition_values_at_q_point)

Private Member Functions

std::map< types::subdomain_id, unsigned int > get_subdomain_id_to_neighbor_map () const
void apply_particle_per_cell_bounds ()
void advect_particles ()
void local_initialize_particles (const typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator &begin_particle, const typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator &end_particle)
void local_update_particles (Property::ParticleUpdateInputs< dim > &inputs, small_vector< Point< dim >> &positions, const std::vector< EvaluationFlags::EvaluationFlags > &evaluation_flags, SolutionEvaluator< dim > &evaluator)
void local_advect_particles (const typename DoFHandler< dim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, const typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator &begin_particle, const typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator &end_particle, SolutionEvaluator< dim > &evaluators)
void connect_particle_handler_signals (aspect::SimulatorSignals< dim > &signals, ParticleHandler< dim > &particle_handler, const bool connect_to_checkpoint_signals=true) const

Private Attributes

std::unique_ptr< Generator::Interface< dim > > generator
std::unique_ptr< Integrator::Interface< dim > > integrator
std::unique_ptr< Interpolator::Interface< dim > > interpolator
std::unique_ptr< Particles::ParticleHandler< dim > > particle_handler
Particles::ParticleHandler< dim > particle_handler_backup
std::unique_ptr< Property::Manager< dim > > property_manager
ParticleLoadBalancing::Kind particle_load_balancing
unsigned int min_particles_per_cell
unsigned int max_particles_per_cell
unsigned int particle_weight

Detailed Description

template<int dim>
class aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >

This class manages the storage and handling of particles. It provides interfaces to generate and store particles, functions to initialize, update and advect them, and ways to retrieve information about the particles. The implementation of most of these methods is outsourced to different plugin systems, this class is mostly concerned with managing the interactions of the different systems with the code outside the particle manager.

Definition at line 141 of file simulator_access.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ Manager() [1/2]

template<int dim>
aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::Manager ( )

Default constructor.

§ ~Manager()

template<int dim>
aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::~Manager ( )

Default destructor.

§ Manager() [2/2]

template<int dim>
aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::Manager ( Manager< dim > &&  )

Move constructor. This is required to be able to put instances of this class into a std::vector.

Member Function Documentation

§ initialize()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::initialize ( )

Initialize the particle manager.

§ update()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::update ( )

Update the particle manager.

§ get_property_manager()

template<int dim>
const Property::Manager<dim>& aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::get_property_manager ( ) const

Get the particle property manager for this particle manager.

The property manager for this particle manager.

§ get_particle_handler() [1/2]

template<int dim>
const Particles::ParticleHandler<dim>& aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::get_particle_handler ( ) const

Get the const particle handler for this particle manager.

The particle handler for this particle manager.

§ get_particle_handler() [2/2]

template<int dim>
Particles::ParticleHandler<dim>& aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::get_particle_handler ( )

Get the particle handler for this particle manager. There is no get_particles() function in the deal.II ParticleHandler, so we get and set the positions of the particles. These getter/setter functions are not const, and neither are the calling functions, but the existing get_particle_handler is. Therefore this non-const function is added.

The particle handler for this particle manager.

§ copy_particle_handler()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::copy_particle_handler ( const Particles::ParticleHandler< dim > &  from_particle_handler,
Particles::ParticleHandler< dim > &  to_particle_handler 
) const

Copy the state of particle handler from_particle_handler into the particle handler to_particle_handler. This will copy all particles and properties and leave to_particle_handler as an identical copy of from_particle_handler, assuming it was set up by this particle manager class. This means we assume from_particle_handler uses the same triangulation and particle properties as are used in this model. Existing particles in to_particle_handler are deleted.

This function is expensive as it has to duplicate all data in from_particle_handler, and insert it into to_particle_handler, which may be a significant amount of data. However, it can be useful to save the state of a particle collection at a certain point in time and reset this state later under certain conditions, for example if a timestep has to be undone and repeated.

§ backup_particles()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::backup_particles ( )

Stores a copy of the particle handler in particle_handler_backup. This copy can be used to restore the position and properties of the particles for example after advection solver iterations of the iterated advection scheme or when a timestep has to be repeated.

§ restore_particles()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::restore_particles ( )

Restores the particle handler particle_handler based on the copy in particle_handler_backup. This restores the position and properties of the particles to those in the copy and can be used for example after advection solver iterations of the iterated advection scheme or when a timestep has to be repeated.

§ setup_initial_state()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::setup_initial_state ( )

Do initial logic for handling pre-refinement steps

§ get_interpolator()

template<int dim>
const Interpolator::Interface<dim>& aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::get_interpolator ( ) const

Get the particle interpolator for this particle manager.

The interpolator for this particle manager.

§ generate_particles()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::generate_particles ( )

Initialize the particle properties.

§ initialize_particles()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::initialize_particles ( )

Initialize the particle properties.

§ advance_timestep()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::advance_timestep ( )

Advance particles by the old timestep using the current integration scheme. This accounts for the fact that the particles are actually still at their old positions and the current timestep length is already updated for the next step at the time this function is called.

§ n_global_particles()

template<int dim>
types::particle_index aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::n_global_particles ( ) const

Return the total number of particles in the simulation. This function is useful for monitoring how many particles have been lost by falling out of the domain. Note that this function does not compute the number of particles, because that is an expensive global MPI operation. Instead it returns the number, which is updated internally every time it might change by a call to update_n_global_particles().

Total number of particles in simulation.

§ connect_to_signals()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::connect_to_signals ( aspect::SimulatorSignals< dim > &  signals)

This callback function is registered within Simulator by the constructor of this class and will be called from Simulator during construction. It allows to attach slot functions to the provided SimulatorSignals. This particle manager will register the register_store_callback_function() and register_load_callback_function() to the pre_refinement_store_user_data signal and the post_refinement_load_user_data signal respectively.

§ cell_weight()

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::cell_weight ( const typename parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim >::cell_iterator &  cell,
const typename parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim >::CellStatus  status 

Called by listener functions from Triangulation for every cell before a refinement step. A weight is attached to every cell depending on the number of contained particles.

§ update_particles()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::update_particles ( )

Update the particle properties if necessary.

§ serialize()

template<int dim>
template<class Archive >
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
const unsigned int  version 

Serialize the contents of this class.

Definition at line 457 of file manager.h.

§ save()

template<int dim>
virtual void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::save ( std::ostringstream &  os) const

Save the state of the object.

§ load()

template<int dim>
virtual void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::load ( std::istringstream &  is)

Restore the state of the object.

§ declare_parameters()

template<int dim>
static void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::declare_parameters ( ParameterHandler &  prm)

Declare the parameters this class takes through input files.

§ parse_parameters()

template<int dim>
virtual void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::parse_parameters ( ParameterHandler &  prm,
const unsigned int  particle_manager 

Read the parameters this class declares from the parameter file.

prmThe ParameterHandler.
particle_managerParse the parameters for the Particle manager with this index.

§ get_subdomain_id_to_neighbor_map()

template<int dim>
std::map<types::subdomain_id, unsigned int> aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::get_subdomain_id_to_neighbor_map ( ) const

Get a map between subdomain id and the neighbor index. In other words the returned map answers the question: Given a subdomain id, which neighbor of the current processor's domain (in terms of a contiguous number from 0 to n_neighbors) owns this subdomain?

§ apply_particle_per_cell_bounds()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::apply_particle_per_cell_bounds ( )

Apply the bounds for the maximum and minimum number of particles per cell, if the appropriate particle_load_balancing strategy has been selected.

§ advect_particles()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::advect_particles ( )

Advect the particle positions by one integration step. Needs to be called until integrator->continue() returns false.

§ local_initialize_particles()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::local_initialize_particles ( const typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator &  begin_particle,
const typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator &  end_particle 

Initialize the particle properties of one cell.

§ local_update_particles()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::local_update_particles ( Property::ParticleUpdateInputs< dim > &  inputs,
small_vector< Point< dim >> &  positions,
const std::vector< EvaluationFlags::EvaluationFlags > &  evaluation_flags,
SolutionEvaluator< dim > &  evaluator 

Update the particle properties of one cell.

inputsThe input data required for the particle update. This function will fill this structure with the necessary data.
positionsThe reference positions of the particles in the cell. This function will update these positions for the current cell.
evaluation_flagsThe required evaluation flags for each component.
evaluatorThe solution evaluator that is used to update the particles.

§ local_advect_particles()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::local_advect_particles ( const typename DoFHandler< dim >::active_cell_iterator &  cell,
const typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator &  begin_particle,
const typename ParticleHandler< dim >::particle_iterator &  end_particle,
SolutionEvaluator< dim > &  evaluators 

Advect the particles of one cell. Performs only one step for multi-step integrators. Needs to be called until integrator->continue() evaluates to false. Particles that moved out of their old cell during this advection step are removed from the local multimap and stored in particles_out_of_cell for further treatment (sorting them into the new cell).

§ connect_particle_handler_signals()

template<int dim>
void aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::connect_particle_handler_signals ( aspect::SimulatorSignals< dim > &  signals,
ParticleHandler< dim > &  particle_handler,
const bool  connect_to_checkpoint_signals = true 
) const

This function registers the necessary functions to the signals that the particle_handler needs to know about.

Member Data Documentation

§ generator

template<int dim>
std::unique_ptr<Generator::Interface<dim> > aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::generator

Generation scheme for creating particles in this manager

Definition at line 308 of file manager.h.

§ integrator

template<int dim>
std::unique_ptr<Integrator::Interface<dim> > aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::integrator

Integration scheme for moving particles in this manager

Definition at line 313 of file manager.h.

§ interpolator

template<int dim>
std::unique_ptr<Interpolator::Interface<dim> > aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::interpolator

Interpolation scheme for moving particles in this manager

Definition at line 318 of file manager.h.

§ particle_handler

template<int dim>
std::unique_ptr<Particles::ParticleHandler<dim> > aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::particle_handler

Particle handler object that is responsible for storing and managing the internal particle structures.

Definition at line 324 of file manager.h.

§ particle_handler_backup

template<int dim>
Particles::ParticleHandler<dim> aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::particle_handler_backup

Particle handler object that is responsible for storing and managing the internal particle structures before starting nonlinear iterations such that the particle position and properties can be restored after each outer advection iteration.

Definition at line 332 of file manager.h.

§ property_manager

template<int dim>
std::unique_ptr<Property::Manager<dim> > aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::property_manager

The property manager stores information about the additional particle properties and handles the initialization and update of these properties.

Definition at line 339 of file manager.h.

§ particle_load_balancing

template<int dim>
ParticleLoadBalancing::Kind aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::particle_load_balancing

Strategy for particle load balancing.

Definition at line 344 of file manager.h.

§ min_particles_per_cell

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::min_particles_per_cell

Lower limit for particle number per cell. This limit is useful for adaptive meshes to prevent fine cells from being empty of particles. It will be checked and enforced after mesh refinement and after particle movement. If there are n_number_of_particles < min_particles_per_cell particles in one cell then min_particles_per_cell - n_number_of_particles particles are generated and randomly placed in this cell. If the particles carry properties the individual property plugins control how the properties of the new particles are initialized.

Definition at line 358 of file manager.h.

§ max_particles_per_cell

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::max_particles_per_cell

Upper limit for particle number per cell. This limit is useful for adaptive meshes to prevent coarse cells from slowing down the whole model. It will be checked and enforced after mesh refinement, after MPI transfer of particles and after particle movement. If there are n_number_of_particles > max_particles_per_cell particles in one cell then n_number_of_particles - max_particles_per_cell particles in this cell are randomly chosen and destroyed.

Definition at line 371 of file manager.h.

§ particle_weight

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::Particle::Manager< dim >::particle_weight

The computational cost of a single particle. This is an input parameter that is set during initialization and is only used if the particle load balancing strategy 'repartition' is used. This value determines how costly the computation of a single particle is compared to the computation of a whole cell, which is arbitrarily defined to represent a cost of 1000.

Definition at line 381 of file manager.h.

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