| DiffusionDislocation () |
std::vector< double > | calculate_isostrain_viscosities (const double pressure, const double temperature, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > &strain_rate) const |
double | compute_viscosity (const double pressure, const double temperature, const std::vector< double > &volume_fractions, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > &strain_rate) const |
void | parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) |
| SimulatorAccess () |
| SimulatorAccess (const Simulator< dim > &simulator_object) |
virtual | ~SimulatorAccess ()=default |
virtual void | initialize_simulator (const Simulator< dim > &simulator_object) |
const Introspection< dim > & | introspection () const |
const Simulator< dim > & | get_simulator () const |
const Parameters< dim > & | get_parameters () const |
SimulatorSignals< dim > & | get_signals () const |
MPI_Comm | get_mpi_communicator () const |
TimerOutput & | get_computing_timer () const |
const ConditionalOStream & | get_pcout () const |
double | get_time () const |
double | get_timestep () const |
double | get_old_timestep () const |
unsigned int | get_timestep_number () const |
const TimeStepping::Manager< dim > & | get_timestepping_manager () const |
unsigned int | get_nonlinear_iteration () const |
const parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim > & | get_triangulation () const |
double | get_volume () const |
const Mapping< dim > & | get_mapping () const |
std::string | get_output_directory () const |
bool | include_adiabatic_heating () const |
bool | include_latent_heat () const |
bool | include_melt_transport () const |
int | get_stokes_velocity_degree () const |
double | get_adiabatic_surface_temperature () const |
double | get_surface_pressure () const |
bool | convert_output_to_years () const |
unsigned int | get_pre_refinement_step () const |
unsigned int | n_compositional_fields () const |
double | get_end_time () const |
void | get_refinement_criteria (Vector< float > &estimated_error_per_cell) const |
void | get_artificial_viscosity (Vector< float > &viscosity_per_cell, const bool skip_interior_cells=false) const |
void | get_artificial_viscosity_composition (Vector< float > &viscosity_per_cell, const unsigned int compositional_variable) const |
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector & | get_current_linearization_point () const |
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector & | get_solution () const |
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector & | get_old_solution () const |
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector & | get_old_old_solution () const |
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector & | get_reaction_vector () const |
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector & | get_mesh_velocity () const |
const DoFHandler< dim > & | get_dof_handler () const |
const FiniteElement< dim > & | get_fe () const |
const LinearAlgebra::BlockSparseMatrix & | get_system_matrix () const |
const LinearAlgebra::BlockSparseMatrix & | get_system_preconditioner_matrix () const |
const MaterialModel::Interface< dim > & | get_material_model () const |
const GravityModel::Interface< dim > & | get_gravity_model () const |
const InitialTopographyModel::Interface< dim > & | get_initial_topography_model () const |
const GeometryModel::Interface< dim > & | get_geometry_model () const |
const AdiabaticConditions::Interface< dim > & | get_adiabatic_conditions () const |
bool | has_boundary_temperature () const |
const BoundaryTemperature::Manager< dim > & | get_boundary_temperature_manager () const |
const BoundaryHeatFlux::Interface< dim > & | get_boundary_heat_flux () const |
bool | has_boundary_composition () const |
const BoundaryComposition::Manager< dim > & | get_boundary_composition_manager () const |
const BoundaryTraction::Manager< dim > & | get_boundary_traction_manager () const |
std::shared_ptr< const InitialTemperature::Manager< dim > > | get_initial_temperature_manager_pointer () const |
const InitialTemperature::Manager< dim > & | get_initial_temperature_manager () const |
std::shared_ptr< const InitialComposition::Manager< dim > > | get_initial_composition_manager_pointer () const |
const InitialComposition::Manager< dim > & | get_initial_composition_manager () const |
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & | get_fixed_temperature_boundary_indicators () const |
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & | get_fixed_heat_flux_boundary_indicators () const |
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & | get_fixed_composition_boundary_indicators () const |
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & | get_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators () const |
const BoundaryVelocity::Manager< dim > & | get_boundary_velocity_manager () const |
const HeatingModel::Manager< dim > & | get_heating_model_manager () const |
const MeshRefinement::Manager< dim > & | get_mesh_refinement_manager () const |
const MeltHandler< dim > & | get_melt_handler () const |
const VolumeOfFluidHandler< dim > & | get_volume_of_fluid_handler () const |
const NewtonHandler< dim > & | get_newton_handler () const |
const MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim > & | get_mesh_deformation_handler () const |
const LateralAveraging< dim > & | get_lateral_averaging () const |
const AffineConstraints< double > & | get_current_constraints () const |
bool | simulator_is_past_initialization () const |
double | get_pressure_scaling () const |
bool | pressure_rhs_needs_compatibility_modification () const |
bool | model_has_prescribed_stokes_solution () const |
TableHandler & | get_statistics_object () const |
const Postprocess::Manager< dim > & | get_postprocess_manager () const |
unsigned int | n_particle_managers () const |
const Particle::Manager< dim > & | get_particle_manager (const unsigned int particle_manager_index) const |
Particle::Manager< dim > & | get_particle_manager (const unsigned int particle_manager_index) |
bool | is_stokes_matrix_free () |
const StokesMatrixFreeHandler< dim > & | get_stokes_matrix_free () const |
RotationProperties< dim > | compute_net_angular_momentum (const bool use_constant_density, const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector &solution, const bool limit_to_top_faces=false) const |
template<int dim>
class aspect::MaterialModel::Rheology::DiffusionDislocation< dim >
A viscous rheology including diffusion and dislocation creep.
The effective viscosity is defined as the harmonic mean of the two effective viscosity functions describing diffusion and dislocation creep:
\[ v_\text{eff} = \left( \frac{1}{v_\text{eff}^\text{diff}} + \frac{1}{v_\text{eff}^\text{dis}} \right)^{-1} \]
\[ v_\text{eff}^\text{diff} = A_\text{diff}^{-1} \exp\left(\frac{E_\text{diff} + PV_\text{diff}}{RT}\right), \]
\[ v_\text{eff}^\text{dis} = A_\text{dis}^{\frac{-1}{n_\text{dis}}} \dot{\varepsilon}^{\frac{1-n}{n}} \exp\left(\frac{E_\text{diff} + PV_\text{diff}}{n_\text{dis}RT}\right) \]
where \(\dot{\varepsilon}\) is the second invariant of the strain rate tensor, \(A_i\) are prefactors where \(i\) corresponds to diffusion or dislocation creep, \(E_i\) are the activation energies, \(V_i\) are the activation volumes, \(\rho_m\) is the mantle density, \(R\) is the gas constant, \(T\) is temperature, and \(P\) is pressure.
Rheological parameters can be defined per-compositional field. For each material parameter the user supplies a comma delimited list of length N+1, where N is the number of compositional fields. The additional field corresponds to the value for background mantle. They should be ordered ``background, composition1, composition2...''
The individual output viscosities for each compositional field are averaged. The user can choose from a range of options for this viscosity averaging. If only one value is given for any of these parameters, all compositions are assigned the same value. The first value in the list is the value assigned to "background mantle" (regions where the sum of the compositional fields is < 1.0).
Definition at line 76 of file diffusion_dislocation.h.