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aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 S40RTSPerturbation ()
void initialize () override
virtual double get_Vs (const Point< dim > &position) const
double initial_temperature (const Point< dim > &position) const override
void parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::Plugins::InterfaceBase
virtual ~InterfaceBase ()=default
virtual void update ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::SimulatorAccess< dim >
 SimulatorAccess ()
 SimulatorAccess (const Simulator< dim > &simulator_object)
virtual ~SimulatorAccess ()=default
virtual void initialize_simulator (const Simulator< dim > &simulator_object)
const Introspection< dim > & introspection () const
const Simulator< dim > & get_simulator () const
const Parameters< dim > & get_parameters () const
SimulatorSignals< dim > & get_signals () const
MPI_Comm get_mpi_communicator () const
TimerOutput & get_computing_timer () const
const ConditionalOStream & get_pcout () const
double get_time () const
double get_timestep () const
double get_old_timestep () const
unsigned int get_timestep_number () const
const TimeStepping::Manager< dim > & get_timestepping_manager () const
unsigned int get_nonlinear_iteration () const
const parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim > & get_triangulation () const
double get_volume () const
const Mapping< dim > & get_mapping () const
std::string get_output_directory () const
bool include_adiabatic_heating () const
bool include_latent_heat () const
bool include_melt_transport () const
int get_stokes_velocity_degree () const
double get_adiabatic_surface_temperature () const
double get_surface_pressure () const
bool convert_output_to_years () const
unsigned int get_pre_refinement_step () const
unsigned int n_compositional_fields () const
double get_end_time () const
void get_refinement_criteria (Vector< float > &estimated_error_per_cell) const
void get_artificial_viscosity (Vector< float > &viscosity_per_cell, const bool skip_interior_cells=false) const
void get_artificial_viscosity_composition (Vector< float > &viscosity_per_cell, const unsigned int compositional_variable) const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_current_linearization_point () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_old_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_old_old_solution () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_reaction_vector () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockVectorget_mesh_velocity () const
const DoFHandler< dim > & get_dof_handler () const
const FiniteElement< dim > & get_fe () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockSparseMatrixget_system_matrix () const
const LinearAlgebra::BlockSparseMatrixget_system_preconditioner_matrix () const
const MaterialModel::Interface< dim > & get_material_model () const
const GravityModel::Interface< dim > & get_gravity_model () const
const InitialTopographyModel::Interface< dim > & get_initial_topography_model () const
const GeometryModel::Interface< dim > & get_geometry_model () const
const AdiabaticConditions::Interface< dim > & get_adiabatic_conditions () const
bool has_boundary_temperature () const
const BoundaryTemperature::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_temperature_manager () const
const BoundaryHeatFlux::Interface< dim > & get_boundary_heat_flux () const
bool has_boundary_composition () const
const BoundaryComposition::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_composition_manager () const
const BoundaryTraction::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_traction_manager () const
std::shared_ptr< const InitialTemperature::Manager< dim > > get_initial_temperature_manager_pointer () const
const InitialTemperature::Manager< dim > & get_initial_temperature_manager () const
std::shared_ptr< const InitialComposition::Manager< dim > > get_initial_composition_manager_pointer () const
const InitialComposition::Manager< dim > & get_initial_composition_manager () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_temperature_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_heat_flux_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_fixed_composition_boundary_indicators () const
const std::set< types::boundary_id > & get_mesh_deformation_boundary_indicators () const
const BoundaryVelocity::Manager< dim > & get_boundary_velocity_manager () const
const HeatingModel::Manager< dim > & get_heating_model_manager () const
const MeshRefinement::Manager< dim > & get_mesh_refinement_manager () const
const MeltHandler< dim > & get_melt_handler () const
const VolumeOfFluidHandler< dim > & get_volume_of_fluid_handler () const
const NewtonHandler< dim > & get_newton_handler () const
const MeshDeformation::MeshDeformationHandler< dim > & get_mesh_deformation_handler () const
const LateralAveraging< dim > & get_lateral_averaging () const
const AffineConstraints< double > & get_current_constraints () const
bool simulator_is_past_initialization () const
double get_pressure_scaling () const
bool pressure_rhs_needs_compatibility_modification () const
bool model_has_prescribed_stokes_solution () const
TableHandler & get_statistics_object () const
const Postprocess::Manager< dim > & get_postprocess_manager () const
unsigned int n_particle_managers () const
const Particle::Manager< dim > & get_particle_manager (const unsigned int particle_manager_index) const
Particle::Manager< dim > & get_particle_manager (const unsigned int particle_manager_index)
bool is_stokes_matrix_free ()
const StokesMatrixFreeHandler< dim > & get_stokes_matrix_free () const
RotationProperties< dim > compute_net_angular_momentum (const bool use_constant_density, const LinearAlgebra::BlockVector &solution, const bool limit_to_top_faces=false) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::Plugins::InterfaceBase
static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from aspect::SimulatorAccess< dim >
static void get_composition_values_at_q_point (const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &composition_values, const unsigned int q, std::vector< double > &composition_values_at_q_point)

Private Types

enum  VsToDensityMethod { file, constant }

Private Attributes

VsToDensityMethod vs_to_density_method
std::string data_directory
std::string spline_depth_file_name
std::string harmonics_coeffs_file_name
double vs_to_density_constant
double thermal_alpha
double no_perturbation_depth
bool zero_out_degree_0
bool lower_max_degree
unsigned int specified_max_degree
double reference_temperature
std::unique_ptr< internal::S40RTS::SphericalHarmonicsLookupspherical_harmonics_lookup
std::unique_ptr< internal::S40RTS::SplineDepthsLookupspline_depths_lookup
aspect::Utilities::AsciiDataProfile< dim > profile
unsigned int vs_to_density_index
bool use_material_model_thermal_alpha


template<int dim2>
class PatchOnS40RTS

Detailed Description

template<int dim>
class aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >

A class that describes a perturbed initial temperature field for a spherical shell geometry model. The perturbation is based on the S20RTS / S40RTS global shear wave velocity model by Ritsema et al.

Definition at line 87 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

§ VsToDensityMethod

An enum to describe which method should be chosen to scale vs to density.


Definition at line 131 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ S40RTSPerturbation()

Constructor. Initialize variables.

Member Function Documentation

§ initialize()

template<int dim>
void aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::initialize ( )

Initialization function. Loads the material data and sets up pointers.

Reimplemented from aspect::Plugins::InterfaceBase.

§ get_Vs()

template<int dim>
virtual double aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::get_Vs ( const Point< dim > &  position) const

Return the Vs as a function of position.

§ initial_temperature()

template<int dim>
double aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::initial_temperature ( const Point< dim > &  position) const

Return the initial temperature as a function of position.

Implements aspect::InitialTemperature::Interface< dim >.

§ declare_parameters()

template<int dim>
static void aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::declare_parameters ( ParameterHandler &  prm)

Declare the parameters this class takes through input files.

§ parse_parameters()

template<int dim>
void aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::parse_parameters ( ParameterHandler &  prm)

Read the parameters this class declares from the parameter file.

Reimplemented from aspect::Plugins::InterfaceBase.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

§ PatchOnS40RTS

template<int dim>
template<int dim2>
friend class PatchOnS40RTS

Definition at line 225 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

Member Data Documentation

§ vs_to_density_method

template<int dim>
VsToDensityMethod aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::vs_to_density_method

Currently chosen source for vs to density scaling.

Definition at line 140 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ data_directory

template<int dim>
std::string aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::data_directory

File directory and names

Definition at line 145 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ spline_depth_file_name

template<int dim>
std::string aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::spline_depth_file_name

Definition at line 146 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ harmonics_coeffs_file_name

template<int dim>
std::string aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::harmonics_coeffs_file_name

This parameter allows setting the input file for the shear-wave perturbation. Options so far are S20RTS.sph and S40RTS.sph. For S40RTS there are different versions available that differ by the degree of damping in the seismic inversion. These models could be downloaded and used as well.

Definition at line 155 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ vs_to_density_constant

template<int dim>
double aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::vs_to_density_constant

The parameters below describe the perturbation of shear wave velocity into a temperatures perturbation. The first parameter is constant so far but could be made depth dependent as constraint by e.g. Forte, A.M. & Woodward, R.L., 1997. Seismic-geodynamic constraints on three- dimensional structure, vertical flow, and heat transfer in the mantle, J. Geophys. Res. 102 (B8), 17,981-17,994. The last parameter is a depth down to which heterogeneities are zeroed out.

Definition at line 168 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ thermal_alpha

template<int dim>
double aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::thermal_alpha

Definition at line 169 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ no_perturbation_depth

template<int dim>
double aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::no_perturbation_depth

Definition at line 170 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ zero_out_degree_0

template<int dim>
bool aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::zero_out_degree_0

This parameter allows to remove the degree 0 component of the shear wave velocity perturbation, which guarantees that average temperature at a certain depth is the background temperature.

Definition at line 177 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ lower_max_degree

template<int dim>
bool aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::lower_max_degree

This parameter allows to use a lower maximum degree when reading the spherical harmonic data file.

Definition at line 183 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ specified_max_degree

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::specified_max_degree

The maximum degree the users specify, which is only valid when "lower_max_degree" is set to true.

Definition at line 189 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ reference_temperature

template<int dim>
double aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::reference_temperature

This parameter gives the reference temperature, which will be perturbed. In the compressional case the background temperature will be the adiabat.

Definition at line 196 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ spherical_harmonics_lookup

template<int dim>
std::unique_ptr<internal::S40RTS::SphericalHarmonicsLookup> aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::spherical_harmonics_lookup

Pointer to an object that reads and processes the spherical harmonics coefficients

Definition at line 202 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ spline_depths_lookup

template<int dim>
std::unique_ptr<internal::S40RTS::SplineDepthsLookup> aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::spline_depths_lookup

Pointer to an object that reads and processes the depths for the spline knot points.

Definition at line 208 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ profile

Object containing the data profile.

Definition at line 213 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ vs_to_density_index

template<int dim>
unsigned int aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::vs_to_density_index

The column index of the vs to density scaling in the data file

Definition at line 218 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

§ use_material_model_thermal_alpha

template<int dim>
bool aspect::InitialTemperature::S40RTSPerturbation< dim >::use_material_model_thermal_alpha

Whether to use the thermal expansion coefficient from the material model

Definition at line 223 of file S40RTS_perturbation.h.

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