Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

double specific_heat (const double temperature, const double pressure) const
double density (const double temperature, const double pressure) const
double thermal_expansivity (const double temperature, const double pressure) const
double seismic_Vp (const double temperature, const double pressure) const
double seismic_Vs (const double temperature, const double pressure) const
double enthalpy (const double temperature, const double pressure) const
double dHdT (const double temperature, const double pressure) const
double dHdp (const double temperature, const double pressure) const
std::array< std::pair< double, unsigned int >, 2 > enthalpy_derivatives (const std::vector< double > &temperatures, const std::vector< double > &pressures, const unsigned int n_substeps=1) const
double dRhodp (const double temperature, const double pressure) const
unsigned int dominant_phase (const double temperature, const double pressure) const
bool has_dominant_phase () const
std::vector< std::string > phase_volume_column_names () const
double phase_volume_fraction (const int phase_id, const double temperature, const double pressure) const
std::array< double, 2 > get_pT_steps () const
const std::vector< std::string > & get_dominant_phase_names () const

Protected Member Functions

double value (const double temperature, const double pressure, const Table< 2, double > &values, const bool interpol) const
unsigned int value (const double temperature, const double pressure, const Table< 2, unsigned int > &values) const
double get_nT (const double temperature) const
double get_np (const double pressure) const

Protected Attributes

::Table< 2, double > density_values
::Table< 2, double > thermal_expansivity_values
::Table< 2, double > specific_heat_values
::Table< 2, double > vp_values
::Table< 2, double > vs_values
::Table< 2, double > enthalpy_values
::Table< 2, unsigned int > dominant_phase_indices
std::vector< std::string > phase_column_names
std::vector<::Table< 2, double > > phase_volume_fractions
double delta_press
double min_press
double max_press
double delta_temp
double min_temp
double max_temp
unsigned int n_temperature
unsigned int n_pressure
unsigned int n_phases
unsigned int n_columns
bool interpolation
bool has_dominant_phase_column
std::vector< std::string > dominant_phase_names

Detailed Description

A base class that can be used to look up material data from an external data source (e.g. a table in a file). The class consists of data members and functions to access this data, but it does not contain the functions to read this data, which has to be implemented in a derived class.

Definition at line 75 of file utilities.h.

Member Function Documentation

§ specific_heat()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::specific_heat ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

§ density()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::density ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

§ thermal_expansivity()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::thermal_expansivity ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

§ seismic_Vp()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::seismic_Vp ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

§ seismic_Vs()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::seismic_Vs ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

§ enthalpy()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::enthalpy ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

§ dHdT()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::dHdT ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

Computes the derivative of enthalpy for temperature, using the resolution of the read-in table to compute a finite-difference approximation of the derivative.

§ dHdp()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::dHdp ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

Computes the derivative of enthalpy for pressure, using the resolution of the read-in table to compute a finite-difference approximation of the derivative.

§ enthalpy_derivatives()

std::array<std::pair<double, unsigned int>,2> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::enthalpy_derivatives ( const std::vector< double > &  temperatures,
const std::vector< double > &  pressures,
const unsigned int  n_substeps = 1 
) const

Compute the enthalpy derivatives for temperature and pressure given a set of temperature and pressure points, which will be used as support points for the finite difference scheme. This is useful to not 'miss' phase transitions that are not resolved in the dHdT and dHdp functions. The third argument represents the number of substeps taken to compute this average. A number larger than one means the temperature-pressure range that is spanned by the first two input arguments is separated into n_substeps equally spaced pressure-temperature steps, the derivatives are computed for each substep and then averaged.

§ dRhodp()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::dRhodp ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

§ dominant_phase()

unsigned int aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::dominant_phase ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

Returns the index that indicates the phase with the largest volume fraction at a given temperature and pressure.

§ has_dominant_phase()

bool aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::has_dominant_phase ( ) const

Returns whether a lookup has a column that indicates which is the phase with the largest volume fraction is this material.

§ phase_volume_column_names()

std::vector<std::string> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::phase_volume_column_names ( ) const

Returns a vector of all the column names in the lookup file that start with the character string vol_fraction_

§ phase_volume_fraction()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::phase_volume_fraction ( const int  phase_id,
const double  temperature,
const double  pressure 
) const

Returns the volume fraction of the phase_idth phase at a given temperature and pressure.

§ get_pT_steps()

std::array<double,2> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::get_pT_steps ( ) const

Returns the size of the data tables in pressure (first entry) and temperature (second entry) dimensions.

§ get_dominant_phase_names()

const std::vector<std::string>& aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::get_dominant_phase_names ( ) const

Get the list of names of all of the dominant phases in a given lookup table as given by the phase column. The names of the phases are stored in the order they first appear in the table.

§ value() [1/2]

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::value ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure,
const Table< 2, double > &  values,
const bool  interpol 
) const

Access that data value of the property that is stored in table values at pressure pressure and temperature temperature. interpol controls whether to perform linear interpolation between the closest data points, or simply use the closest point value.

§ value() [2/2]

unsigned int aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::value ( const double  temperature,
const double  pressure,
const Table< 2, unsigned int > &  values 
) const

Access that data value of the property that is stored in table values at pressure pressure and temperature temperature using the closest point value.

§ get_nT()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::get_nT ( const double  temperature) const

Find the position in a data table given a temperature.

§ get_np()

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::get_np ( const double  pressure) const

Find the position in a data table given a pressure.

Member Data Documentation

§ density_values

::Table<2,double> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::density_values

Definition at line 224 of file utilities.h.

§ thermal_expansivity_values

::Table<2,double> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::thermal_expansivity_values

Definition at line 225 of file utilities.h.

§ specific_heat_values

::Table<2,double> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::specific_heat_values

Definition at line 226 of file utilities.h.

§ vp_values

::Table<2,double> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::vp_values

Definition at line 227 of file utilities.h.

§ vs_values

::Table<2,double> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::vs_values

Definition at line 228 of file utilities.h.

§ enthalpy_values

::Table<2,double> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::enthalpy_values

Definition at line 229 of file utilities.h.

§ dominant_phase_indices

::Table<2,unsigned int> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::dominant_phase_indices

Definition at line 230 of file utilities.h.

§ phase_column_names

std::vector<std::string> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::phase_column_names

The vector of column names corresponding to each phase, and a vector of tables containing the volume fractions of each phase at a given temperature and pressure. The ordering of both vectors is the same.

Definition at line 238 of file utilities.h.

§ phase_volume_fractions

std::vector<::Table<2,double> > aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::phase_volume_fractions

Definition at line 239 of file utilities.h.

§ delta_press

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::delta_press

Definition at line 241 of file utilities.h.

§ min_press

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::min_press

Definition at line 242 of file utilities.h.

§ max_press

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::max_press

Definition at line 243 of file utilities.h.

§ delta_temp

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::delta_temp

Definition at line 244 of file utilities.h.

§ min_temp

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::min_temp

Definition at line 245 of file utilities.h.

§ max_temp

double aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::max_temp

Definition at line 246 of file utilities.h.

§ n_temperature

unsigned int aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::n_temperature

Definition at line 247 of file utilities.h.

§ n_pressure

unsigned int aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::n_pressure

Definition at line 248 of file utilities.h.

§ n_phases

unsigned int aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::n_phases

Definition at line 249 of file utilities.h.

§ n_columns

unsigned int aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::n_columns

Definition at line 250 of file utilities.h.

§ interpolation

bool aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::interpolation

Definition at line 251 of file utilities.h.

§ has_dominant_phase_column

bool aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::has_dominant_phase_column

Definition at line 252 of file utilities.h.

§ dominant_phase_names

std::vector<std::string> aspect::MaterialModel::MaterialUtilities::Lookup::MaterialLookup::dominant_phase_names

Definition at line 253 of file utilities.h.

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