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aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim > Class Template Reference

Public Member Functions

 GPlatesLookup (const Tensor< 1, 2 > &surface_point_one, const Tensor< 1, 2 > &surface_point_two)
std::string screen_output (const Tensor< 1, 2 > &surface_point_one, const Tensor< 1, 2 > &surface_point_two) const
void load_file (const std::string &filename, const MPI_Comm comm)
Tensor< 1, dim > surface_velocity (const Point< dim > &position) const

Private Member Functions

std::array< double, 3 > angles_from_matrix (const Tensor< 2, 3 > &rotation_matrix) const
double rotation_axis_from_matrix (Tensor< 1, 3 > &rotation_axis, const Tensor< 2, 3 > &rotation_matrix) const
template<int in, int out>
Tensor< 1, out > convert_tensor (const Tensor< 1, in > &old_tensor) const
Tensor< 1, 3 > cartesian_surface_coordinates (const Tensor< 1, 3 > &sposition) const
Tensor< 1, dim > cartesian_velocity_at_surface_point (const std::array< double, 3 > &spherical_point) const
Tensor< 1, 3 > sphere_to_cart_velocity (const Tensor< 1, 2 > &s_velocities, const std::array< double, 3 > &s_position) const
bool gplates_1_4_or_higher (const boost::property_tree::ptree &pt) const

Private Attributes

std::array< std::unique_ptr< Functions::InterpolatedUniformGridData< 2 > >, 2 > velocities
double delta_phi
double delta_theta
Tensor< 2, 3 > rotation_matrix

Detailed Description

template<int dim>
class aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >

GPlatesLookup handles all kinds of tasks around looking up a certain velocity boundary condition from a gplates .gpml file.

Definition at line 43 of file gplates.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ GPlatesLookup()

template<int dim>
aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::GPlatesLookup ( const Tensor< 1, 2 > &  surface_point_one,
const Tensor< 1, 2 > &  surface_point_two 

Initialize all members and calculates any necessary rotation parameters for a 2D model.

Member Function Documentation

§ screen_output()

template<int dim>
std::string aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::screen_output ( const Tensor< 1, 2 > &  surface_point_one,
const Tensor< 1, 2 > &  surface_point_two 
) const

Outputs the GPlates module information at model start.

§ load_file()

template<int dim>
void aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::load_file ( const std::string &  filename,
const MPI_Comm  comm 

Loads a gplates .gpml velocity file. Throws an exception if the file does not exist.

§ surface_velocity()

template<int dim>
Tensor<1,dim> aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::surface_velocity ( const Point< dim > &  position) const

Returns the computed surface velocity in cartesian coordinates. Takes as input the position. Actual velocity interpolation is performed in spherical coordinates.

positionThe current position to compute velocity

§ angles_from_matrix()

template<int dim>
std::array<double,3> aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::angles_from_matrix ( const Tensor< 2, 3 > &  rotation_matrix) const

A function that returns the corresponding paraview angles for a rotation described by a rotation matrix. These differ from the usually used euler angles by assuming a rotation around the coordinate axes in the order y-x-z (instead of the often used z-x-z)

§ rotation_axis_from_matrix()

template<int dim>
double aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::rotation_axis_from_matrix ( Tensor< 1, 3 > &  rotation_axis,
const Tensor< 2, 3 > &  rotation_matrix 
) const

A function that returns the corresponding rotation axis/angle for a rotation described by a rotation matrix.

§ convert_tensor()

template<int dim>
template<int in, int out>
Tensor<1,out> aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::convert_tensor ( const Tensor< 1, in > &  old_tensor) const

Convert a tensor of rank 1 and dimension in to rank 1 and dimension out. If \(out < in\) the last elements will be discarded, if \(out > in\) zeroes will be appended to fill the tensor.

§ cartesian_surface_coordinates()

template<int dim>
Tensor<1,3> aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::cartesian_surface_coordinates ( const Tensor< 1, 3 > &  sposition) const

Return the cartesian coordinates of a spherical surface position defined by theta (polar angle, not geographical latitude) and phi.

§ cartesian_velocity_at_surface_point()

template<int dim>
Tensor<1,dim> aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::cartesian_velocity_at_surface_point ( const std::array< double, 3 > &  spherical_point) const

This function looks up the north- and east-velocities at a given position and converts them to cartesian velocities.

§ sphere_to_cart_velocity()

template<int dim>
Tensor<1,3> aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::sphere_to_cart_velocity ( const Tensor< 1, 2 > &  s_velocities,
const std::array< double, 3 > &  s_position 
) const

Returns cartesian velocities calculated from surface velocities and position in spherical coordinates

s_velocitiesSurface velocities in spherical coordinates (theta, phi)
s_positionPosition in spherical coordinates (radius,phi,theta)

§ gplates_1_4_or_higher()

template<int dim>
bool aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::gplates_1_4_or_higher ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &  pt) const

Check whether the gpml file was created by GPlates1.4 or later. We need to know this, because the mesh has changed its longitude origin from 0 to -180 degrees and we need to correct for this.

Member Data Documentation

§ velocities

template<int dim>
std::array<std::unique_ptr<Functions::InterpolatedUniformGridData<2> >, 2> aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::velocities

Interpolation functions to access the velocities.

Definition at line 81 of file gplates.h.

§ delta_phi

template<int dim>
double aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::delta_phi

Distances between adjacent point in the Lat/Long grid

Definition at line 86 of file gplates.h.

§ delta_theta

template<int dim>
double aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::delta_theta

Definition at line 86 of file gplates.h.

§ rotation_matrix

template<int dim>
Tensor<2,3> aspect::BoundaryVelocity::internal::GPlatesLookup< dim >::rotation_matrix

The matrix, which describes the rotation by which a 2D model needs to be transformed to a plane that contains the origin and the two user prescribed points. Is not necessary and therefore not used for 3D models.

Definition at line 94 of file gplates.h.

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