As in many open source projects, the many authors of ASPECT have spent weeks, months, or years of their academic lives contributing to the development of this code. Consequently, publications based on ASPECT should cite the relevant papers that describe the intellectual contributions that have flown into ASPECT.
This page helps you in determining which papers to cite.
Step 1: Feature Selection
Select the ASPECT version used for your computations and specific features that you used. Depending on your choice, different papers will be listed below. If you came to this page with a link from the output of an ASPECT computation, the boxes should have been populated already.
Step 2: How to cite
Use the following text within your publications to cite ASPECT:
See below for the details about these papers.
Step 3: Data Availability
We strongly recommend making your data available for reproducibilty and
replicability. Consider depositing your data (code, parameter files, data, log files, ...)
in an approved repository, which
will assign an identifier (e.g. a DOI) and enable citation of your data. See software publishing guidance.
Then add the following to your data availability statement:
Step 4: Acknowledgements
Please consider using the following text in your Acknowledgements section:
Step 5: Add the following papers to your list of references
The following paper describe all aspects of the methods you used in your ASPECT runs, using your selection of features above. The canonical reference for ASPECT is the first publication listed here, but please consider citing all the references below:
The bibtex data for these papers is as follows:
A link with your selection is available at: